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Updated: August 22, 2024

Some of the wounded are rebel soldiers and officers, prisoners. One, a Mississippian, a captain, hit badly in leg, I talk'd with some time; he ask'd me for papers, which I gave him. Some of the men were dying. I had nothing to give at that visit, but wrote a few letters to folks home, mothers, &c. Also talk'd to three or four, who seem'd most susceptible to it, and needing it. December 23 to 31.

It is confess'd I have talk'd in my tyme And talk'd too much, but not too much of you; For I but seldome thought of such a woman: For any other Sis. Nay, sir, I am satisfied; You can talke your pleasure. Cou. Have I not done it, too? Sis. Yes, by your own report, and with a lady So much in vertue and in birth above you; And therefore I expect not Cou. Stay; this moves me.

He laugh'd and talk'd with the rest, and it must be confess'd his jokes like the most of those that pass'd current there were by no means distinguish'd for their refinement or purity. Near the door was a small table, cover'd with decanters and glasses, some of which had been used, but were used again indiscriminately, and a box of very thick and very long cigars.

By his way of relating the case, it should seem to have been rather a pet murder with him, for he retouches it with an apparent anxiety for its picturesque effect: Whereat he inly raged; and, as they talk'd, Smote him into the midriff with a stone That beat out life: he fell; and, deadly pale, Groan'd out his soul with gushing blood effus'd. Par. Lost, B. XI.

You have been in a swoon first, and then talk'd oh, such nonsense! Shame on me, to let you catch this chill!" She help'd me to my feet and steadied me: and how we reached the hut I cannot tell you. It took more than one weary hour, as I now know; but, at the time, hours and minutes were one to me. In that hut I lay four nights and four days, between ague fit and fever.

Never did eyes of mine gaze on as glorious a lookin' creatur' as you be yourself, at this very moment! I've seen beauties in my time, too, both white and red; and them that was renowned and talk'd of, far and near; but never have I beheld one that could hold any comparison with what you are at this blessed instant, Judith; never."

The Count led the discourse: we talk'd of indifferent things, of books, and politics, and men; and then of women.

He seems to have been of beautiful private character, very honorable, affectionate, good-natured, no arrogance, glad to give the other actors the best chances. He knew all stage points thoroughly, and curiously ignored the mere dignities. I once talk'd with a man who had seen him do the Second Actor in the mock play to Charles Kean's Hamlet in Baltimore. He was a marvellous linguist.

This, continued the corporal, is the reason, that from the beginning of their demolition to the end I have never once whistled, or sung, or laugh'd, or cry'd, or talk'd of past done deeds, or told your honour one story good or bad

His house was known to all the vagrant train; He chid their wand'rings, but relieved their pain: The long-remember'd beggar was his guest, Whose beard descending swept his aged breast; The ruin'd spendthrift, now no longer proud, Claim'd kindred there, and had his claims allow'd; The broken soldier, kindly bade to stay, Sat by his fire, and talk'd the night away, Wept o'er his wounds, or, tales of sorrow done, Shoulder'd his crutch, and shoed how fields were won.

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