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About a fortnight later the Indians again returned in numbers, accompanied by a white man who acted as spokesman. The white man, a peculiar looking character, with one eye looking due north and the other due east, from beneath a forehead very much resembling that of a monkey, stuttered out to Captain G.: "We-e-e-e co-co-mé t-t-to war-war-warn you t-to g-g-g-git ou-out.

Th-this yere is the h-h-hotel, ain 't it? W-well, I 've got t-to be back to th-the 'Little Yankee' afore d-d-daylight, or thar 'll be h-hell to pay, an' I sure m-mean to see her first, an' an' maybe h-him." She stood there in thoughtful perplexity, oblivious to all else in her strange surroundings, watching the dark shadow of his burly figure disappear through the dim light.

"Well, g-good L-L-Lord! a-ain't I tryin' to t-tell ye? When we crossed the river and g-got to the step-off, Rita and D-Dic had went away and D-Doug and me st-started after 'em down the path toward B-Bays's. When we g-got up t-to 'em D-Doug he says, says 'ee, 'I-I've come for my k-kiss, says 'ee, jes' that-a-way.

And even if you did, is that any reason why you should go and and what was that beastly word? beer-bum with those awful men?" "I I s-saw you s-sitting here th-this afternoon t-talking t-to a man," he stammered, covering his face with his hand. "Yes, I was. Why not?" "In in m-my chair!" "Oh, my goodness! You great baby!" she cried.

Martha paused, regarding him and his question with due concern. "Tell?" "Are y-you going to t-tell on me, t-to ev-everybody? Are y-you going to t-tell S-Sammy?" "Shoor I'm not! I'm a perfect lady! I always keep such little affairs with my gen'lemen friends strickly confidential. Besides Sammy has troubles of his own."

Atwood is coming here," she said in a discouraged voice, as he rose with alacrity to place her chair. "Oh! What for?" "T-to see you, Mr. Carden." "Who? Me? Great Scott! I don't want to be slapped and pinched and polled by a man! I didn't expect that, you know. I'm willing enough to have you observe me in the interest of humanity " "But, Mr. Carden, he is only called in for consultation.

Cora accepted the correction obediently, but her self-confidence was shaken. She managed to stammer, "'Give t-to his c-cousin, L-Lady C-Clare," and then a storm of tears set in, drowning her utterance. "Well, what do you think o' that?" exclaimed Martha, amazed at the undue sensitiveness of her offspring. "Never mind, Cora! You done it grand! as far as you went."

Instinctively the young girl's hand tightened on Selwyn's arm: "She she is beautiful!" she faltered; but he turned and led her from the table, following Austin, his sister, and Lansing; and she clung to him almost convulsively when he halted on the edge of the lawn. "I must go back," he whispered "dearest dearest I must." "T-to Gerald? Or her?"

Either that or any other jingle that's difficult without tripping. 'She sells sea-shells, or, 'Peter Piper. Why don't you put the pebble in?" "I don't want t-to. You're mocking me!" "There! I knew you needn't if you really wouldn't. When you are a little angry or in real earnest you can talk well.

After a half-hour spent in general talk about school and plays, and such miscellaneous topics as every gathering of boys knows how to discuss, the "chairman" called out, "Come t-to order! Th-th-the C-cellar-d-d-door Society is c-called to order. G-g-gentlemen, the Hon. J-Jeems Jackson is the speaker f-for the evening. I h-have the pl-pleasure of introducing him to you."