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With a great jet of blood, I fell, and for a little knew no more." This account from Jack's journal is a better statement of this sad business than I could have set down. I saw with horror Jack and Le Clere salute, and then was too full of business to see more, until I had disarmed Mr. Woodville, badly wounding his sword-hand, a rare accident. And here was my Jack dead, as I thought.

D'Harmental saw it, and with a spring engaged so near to Roquefinette that the hilts almost touched. The captain instantly saw the disadvantage of his long sword in such a position. A thrust "sur les armes" and he was lost; he made a spring backward, his foot slipped on the newly-waxed floor, and his sword-hand rose in spite of himself.

"Money! Gold! Bah! What money can a wounded soldier like your humble servant have amassed, with but his sword-hand left, which, being necessarily occupied, places not a finger at his command with which to scrape together the spoils of a routed enemy?" "No gold from him," said the magician. "His scars frank him." "Bravo, Monsieur le prophete! Bravissimo! Here I am.

The fifth, which must be in the middle, bears Topándy's arms, a crowned snake." The robber reckoned after him on his fingers: "Mermaid with half moon stork with ears of corn a half circle with unicorn crown with sword-hand snake with crown. I shall not forget. And what do you want the letter for?"

And now he had died like a man, killing his foe. He was of the true old blood after all. And Hereward felt that he would have given all that he had, save his wife or his sword-hand, to have that boy alive again, to pet him, and train him, and teach him to fight at his side. Then he slipped round to one of the narrow unshuttered windows and looked in.

I followed a great Norman soldier that led this last attack, and closing with a sinewy Moor that strove cunningly to slap my sword from my grasp with an upsweep, we were ere long rolling on the deck amid the dead and the slippery streams of blood, each guarding the other's sword-hand from his breast; and since the Moor was a strong villain of full man's strength, I was in evil case.

"Sir," said I, giving my sword-hand a little shake, so that the weapon settled down into its place, "Sir, you express my sentiments exactly, and as you are a stranger to me perhaps you will be good enough to announce the subject that concerns us."