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The first of these engagements was that fought on 28th December 1878, when Suleiman, at the head of 10,000 men, attacked Gessi's camp at Dem Idris. Fortunately, he had neglected no precaution, and his regulars, supported by a strong force of friendly natives, nobly seconded his efforts. Suleiman's force was repulsed in four assaults, and had to retire with a loss of 1000 men.

They have taken tents, of course." "I d'know, sir; but they've took possession of Mr Suleiman's two helephants." "Ah, capital!" said Archie. "This is fresh news." "Yes, sir; and I suppose Mr Suleiman will never get them again. They ought to be prize money. We took them, sir. My word, I should just like to have the old Rajah!" "Of course," said Archie contemptuously.

As it stands now, the papyrus is utterly worthless. I acted for the best, yes? A secret known to more than one ceases to be a secret. But I am tired of pretense, and you shall have the truth, though it carries with it a confession of ghastly failure. I do not know what good fortune Alfieri has blundered into at Suleiman's Well, and I admit that the place offered my own last chance.

Meanwhile, King Suleiman's Vizier abode in his stead, till the night was half spent, when he set out for the city; but hardly had the day appeared and the sun risen upon the hills and plains, when he saw King Zehr Shah's Vizier approaching with his retinue and the two parties joined company at some parasangs' distance from the city.

"Well, but some of your officers will do that, and bring them back." "I doubt it," said Hamet, smiling. "If I know my people, they will not stop till they get home." "Oh, surely not! They will all come here again and see the rest of our file and Rajah Suleiman's too." Hamet shook his head. "Some of your people from the campongs, who know you they may come back, but none of the others."

"And here on the other side, right away to the river, there is this doubtful fellow Hamet with his lot of elephants and men, a stronger party than Suleiman's." "I see. I hope there won't be any row." "Oh, don't suggest such a thing!" "Why not? They are in touch with the others." "Yes; and at a word could combine." "Ah, I am not afraid of that," said the Major.

But Gessi's difficulties were far from removed by this victory. Suleiman's losses were easily repaired, while those of Gessi could not be replaced. His men were also suffering from fever, and the strain on himself, through the absence of any subordinates to assist him, was terrible. It was a relief to him when Suleiman delivered his second attack, fifteen days after the first.

Somehow they have no faith in me at all, and because I'm Suleiman's enemy or rather, he is mine, for I have no feeling for or against the fellow they think that I am opposed to the English, with whom I want to be friends and to get their help to civilise my people. No, I must be off to my boat at once, and try to get in touch with my people as soon as possible.

As his master was to do a few years later, Gessi practically sacrificed his life in the crusade against slavery. He had been an interpreter in the Crimean war, and in the Soudan he exhibited such great military skill that he was given a high independent command, with the result that he was, it will be remembered, the means of capturing and breaking up Suleiman's band of slave-dealers.

Never was there better ground for the finish of a race; the earth was sandy, but firm, and as we saw the winning-post in the jungle that must terminate the hunt, we redoubled our exertions to close with the unflagging game. Suleiman's horse gave in we had been for about twenty minutes at a killing pace.