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Updated: August 12, 2024

Some hours after midnight, the Typhoon abated so much, that through the strenuous exertions of Starbuck and Stubb one engaged forward and the other aft the shivered remnants of the jib and fore and main-top-sails were cut adrift from the spars, and went eddying away to leeward, like the feathers of an albatross, which sometimes are cast to the winds when that storm-tossed bird is on the wing.

"Like the beacon-lights in harbours, which, kindling a great blaze by means of a few fagots, afford sufficient aid to vessels that wander over the sea, so, also, a man of bright character in a storm-tossed city, himself content with little, effects great blessings for his fellow-citizens."

Still, hers was less happiness than peace; the deep peace which a storm-tossed vessel finds when kindly fate has towed it into harbor; with torn sails and broken masts, maybe, but still safe, never needing to go to sea any more. She had come to that point in life when we cease to be "afraid of evil tidings," since nothing is likely to happen to us beyond what has happened.

He drew no comparisons, he never considered that, as absolutely as day is day and night is night, his own beautiful and placid life, lived in the faith of God and Christ, was tortured by no such storm-tossed tribulation as that which affected the lives of many others, and that the old trite saying, almost despised because so commonplace, namely that "goodness makes happiness," is as eternally true as that the sun shines in heaven, and that it is only evil which creates misery.

They surely see some vessel in distress, And toll the bell that we may pray for it. FISHERMAN. Woe to the bark that now pursues its course, Rocked in the cradle of these storm-tossed waves. Nor helm nor steersman here can aught avail; The storm is master. Man is like a ball, Tossed 'twixt the winds and billows. Far, or near, No haven offers him its friendly shelter!

It was supposed to be worth, on the average, about a dollar an acre, which would make this property an asset sufficient to meet the debts of the war and to leave a balance for the running expenses of the Government. It thereby became one of the strong bonds holding the Union together. "Land!" was the first cry of the storm-tossed mariners of Columbus.

Hodder, in spite of a pressing invitation to remain for supper, had left them together. He turned his face westward, in the opposite direction from the parish house, still under the spell of that moment of communion which had lasted he knew not how long, a moment of silent revelation to them both. She, too, was storm-tossed!

It was but a feeble glimmer, that appeared to have found admission through a tiny crevice under the huge copestone; and Hamersley's face, close to it, was seen only in faint shadow fainter from the film of smoke yet struggling up the shaft. Still was it light beautiful, cheering light like some shore-beacon seen by the storm-tossed mariner amid the dangers of a night-shrouded sea.

Natasha suddenly asked, and hastily replied to her own question. "But no, no, he must... Yes, Mary, He must...." Seven years had passed. The storm-tossed sea of European history had subsided within its shores and seemed to have become calm. Though the surface of the sea of history seemed motionless, the movement of humanity went on as unceasingly as the flow of time.

I might say in passing that Matt and Jimmie, his faithful henchmen, were each between forty and fifty, if they were a day poor, gnarled, dusty, storm-tossed Italians who had come from heaven knows where, had endured God knows what, and were now rounding out a work-a-day existence under the sheltering wing of this same Rourke, a great and protecting power to them.

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