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"He's a sure-enough, stingin' lizard, I'll say. Walked out! Huh!" A few moments after De Launay had rounded a corner and disappeared with his ill-gotten habiliments, excited policemen and citizens came rushing to where Sucatash, with nothing on his mind but his hat, strolled along the sidewalk. "Seen an escaped prisoner? Came this way. Wasn't there a horse here a minute ago?"

An' it seems likewise that shovin' the Stingin' Lizard from shore that time sorter takes advantage an' feeds on him. So he goes browsin' 'round the postmaster all casooal, an' puts questions. Cherokee gets a p'inter about some yearlin' or other in Tucson this Stingin' Lizard sends money to an' makes good for, which he finds the same to be fact on caperin' over. It's a nephy or some sech play.

Las', yer come a great big black wolf wid his eyes shinin' like fier coals, en he grab de hide and rush out. 'Twa'n't long 'fo' de nigger year his brer holler'n en squallin', en he tuck a light, he did, en went out, en dar wuz his brer des a waller'n on de groun' en squirmin' 'roun', kaze de salt on de skin wuz stingin' wuss'n ef he had his britches lineded wid yallerjackets.

Polly suddenly, "and one is your being a skeleton...." He pointed his hand towards the neighbour's hedge. "Look at 'em against the yellow and they're just stingin' nettles. Nasty weeds if you count things by their uses. And no help in the life hereafter. But just look at the look of them!" "It isn't only looks," said the fat woman.

"The rest of us who's been buckin' the game moderate an' right cashes in at this, an' leaves an onobstructed cloth to the Stingin' Lizard. This yere's more caution than good nacher. As long as folks is bettin' along in limits, say onder fifty dollars, thar ain't no shootin' likely to ensoo.

"What are you snifflin' about?" Matt demanded out of his agony. "All you got to do is die. An' when you die you're dead." "I... ain't... snifflin'... it's... the... mustard... stingin'... my... eyes," Jim panted with desperate slowness. It was his last successful attempt at speech.

We are jest scabs we are!" "Tom, for God's sake " "Look here, woman you lay the weight of a hair in front o' me an' that devil that rovin' mad dog an' I'll kill you as I would a stingin' gnat! I won't bed with no woman with that sort o' pride. You've got to stand by me. I'll kill 'im if it takes twenty years.

Not that he turns hostile, but he's allers havin' adventures, an' things keeps happenin' to him; an' final, I thinks he's shorely dead an' gone complete the same, as I afterward learns, bein' error; an', takin' it up one trail an' down another, that trip breaks me offen foolin' with shorthorns complete, an' I don't go near 'em for years, more'n if they's stingin' lizards.

Ef we don't, they'll be stingin' jest the same after you've gone." "That's just the way I look at it, Mr. Reed. Sergeant Whitley here is a specialist in rattlesnakes. He used to hunt down and kill the big bloated ones on the plains, and even the snow won't keep him from tracing 'em to their dens here in the mountains."

But he misjudged his distance an' came up clean in the middle of it an' the stingin' hairs just closed all over on him." "There are hundreds of them, too, aren't there?" "Thousands of stingin' filaments in some o' them. He gave one wild scream an' went down.