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"'Oh, we ain't apprehensif none, says Cherokee an' Jack; 'you can shorely look for us. "Well, the day's come, an' all Wolfville an' Red Dog turns out to see the trouble. Jack Moore an' Cherokee Hall represents for our editor, an' a brace of Red Dog people shows down for the Stingin' Lizard man.

"What are you snifflin' about!" Matt demanded out of his agony. "All you got to do is die. An' when you die you're dead." "I ... ain't ... snifflin' ... it's ... the ... mustard ... stingin' ... my ... eyes," Jim panted with desperate slowness. It was his last successful attempt at speech.

But a ca'mer mood comes on, an' I decides, as not bein' so likely to disturb a peace- lovin' camp, I removes this trap for the onwary by merely bustin' the bank. Thar, goes on the Stingin' Lizard, at the same time dumpin' a large wad on the layout, 'thar's even four thousand dollars. Roll your game for that jest as it lays.

And then this here stingin' lizard goes to work and digs up my deputy number over to Sterling and sets the papers to printin' as how it was me, with the help of a few parties whose names are of no special int'rest, settled that strike." "So you were at Sterling?" "Uh-uh. Between you and me, I was. And it wa'n't what you'd call a girl's school for boys, neither. But that's done.

And we wanted those boots and badges. "She got hold of a nugget that once, anyway," says Captain Bingo, blowing his nose emphatically; "and by the Living Tinker! if it had reached us in time, we'd have saved a loss of twenty-one killed and stripped, and twenty-two wounded, and the stingin' shame of a whippin' into the bargain."