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The corsage bouquet was tucked high under her chin where it would show most. It was not very dark as yet, so the girls could see how dreadfully white Sary seemed to be, and her lips were startlingly crimson. Suddenly Eleanor guessed the truth. "She's gone and used Bob's powder and rouge! Oh, how funny!"

The tip-tilted settee beneath the odorous roof became, in time, our chosen seat; from that perch we could overlook the garden-walls, the beach, the curve of the shore, the grasses and hollyhocks in our neighbor's garden, the latter startlingly distinct against the great arch of the sky. It was here Renard found us an hour later.

And the meeting of that payment was always a problem. This year he would be less cruelly harassed by it than before. Yet, all the more, he desired extra money. For a startlingly original ambition had awakened recently in his heart namely, to pay off a little of the mortgage's principal along with the interest. At first the idea had staggered him.

Batty, husky with exhaustion and heat, said in her ear, 'Is it your Aunt Rose you are looking for, love? I think I saw her go into the house, and I wish I could go myself. It's so hot that I really feel I may have a fit. Henrietta went into the cool, shaded drawing-room on light feet, and there, against the window, she saw her Aunt Rose in an attitude startlingly unfamiliar.

The place was so startlingly alive with that dead woman on a score of canvases in the character in which he had always painted her, that I could scarcely keep from calling out; but I went about, pretending to examine the several Madonnas, and speaking rubbish about them, while he stood stoopingly in the midst of them like the little withered old man he looked.

Partisans of all kinds were offended. The style was startlingly broken, almost savage in strength, vivid and distinct as lightning. Doubtless the man himself had grown away from the quieter moods of his earlier essays. Froude quotes this from Carlyle's journal: "The poor people seem to think a style can be put off or on, not like a skin but like a coat.

What American shipmasters had now to fear from both belligerents was made startlingly clear by the fate of the ship Horizon, which had sailed from Charleston, South Carolina, with a cargo for Zanzibar. On the way she touched at various South American ports and disposed of most of her cargo. Then changing her destination, and taking on a cargo for the English market, she set sail for London.

He trembled violently as he picked it up, but he told himself he was wrong he had been mistaken yet it was a startlingly beautiful voice; startlingly kind, too, and ineffably like the one he hungered most to hear. "Who?" he said, his own voice shaking like his hand. "Mary." He responded with two hushed and incredulous words: "IS IT?"

And in the meantime they almost forgot, at times, Young Denny who had gone the way of his fathers as they had so truly prophesied; they only touched a little uncomfortably upon the problem of the slim, yellow-haired girl alone in the battered cottage at the edge of the town, while they reviewed with startlingly fertile detail and a lingering relish that came very close to being hero-worship, his last brief remarks which had left the Judge a wreck of his former magnificence.

The dim and distant prospect of parting was thinkable though perturbing. But all this talk of steamers and outfits startlingly illumined the fact that in October he was actually going to the other end of the earth. With Dyán's departure, realisation pounced upon his heart and brain.