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Updated: August 11, 2024

"You can see Williams is head over ears in love with you. So far, he's been beastly stand-offish to anyone I put him on to," continued Mrs Hamilton. "Indeed!" said Mavis coldly. She disliked Mrs Hamilton's coarse manner of expressing herself. Mrs Hamilton did not notice the frown on the girl's forehead, but went on: "As for that idea of drinking water, it was a stroke of genius." "What?"

Ensign Long looked very stand-offish; but the eager face of Bob, the only one about his own age of whom he could make a companion, was too much for him; and as Bob got up and made a place for him, Mr Ensign Long unbent a little, and really, as well as metaphorically, undid a button or two, and got into the captain's gig.

"You're a friendly sort of man, you offer and accept attentions and kindnesses, you're not stand-offish, or haughty, or sulky; you make friends easily, especially, perhaps, with women; they like you, and like to be pleasant and kind to you.

Sir Anthony had a nervous trick of rattling off many sentences before his interlocutor could get in a word. When he had finished, Boyce politely declined the invitation. "And with a damned chilly, stand-offish politeness," cried Sir Anthony furiously, when telling me about it. "Just as if I had been Perkins, the fish-monger, asking him to meet the Prettiloves at high tea.

But as I heard that deep-noted bark of gladness, that friendly intimation of guardianship unrelaxed and untiring, I remembered that I had one faithful and unexacting friend, even though it was nothing better than a dog. Sunday the Twelfth Dinky-Dunk rather surprised me to-day by asking why I was so stand-offish with his Cousin Allie.

They didn't want anything but good fortune for her, but I could tell they'd like to have her good fortune fall in foreign parts. "At first Miss Ann was right stand-offish with Mrs.

Some still thought her a little stand-offish, for, though the pride had gone from her walk, a distinction of manner grew upon her and made her seem a finer lady than before. There was no other noticeable change, except that with the years she lost her beautiful contours and became a little angular the old maid's figure, I believe it is sometimes called.

'What lovely weather we are having for winter time! 'It is good, said Wentworth. 'Good? It's glorious! Who would have thought, when leaving New York in a snowstorm as we did, that we would run right into the heart of spring? I hope you are enjoying your voyage? 'I am. 'You ought to. By the way, why are you so awful stand-offish? Is it natural, or merely put on "for this occasion only"?

If Grover wasn't so stand-offish, we might tell her about it, and she could tell the Saint that's what we call the missis; the Saint would soon put a stop to all that nonsense. I will say that for the Saint, she do like everyone to have fair play." Mrs. Barfield, or the Saint, as she was called, belonged, like Esther, to the sect known as the Plymouth Brethren.

She sniffed in stand-offish inquiry at him; as at a stranger. And the scatterbrain pup remembered her no better than she remembered him. There is a wide gulf in intelligence between a three-month puppy and one six months old. Yet, perhaps because they were both excitable and mischievous and loved romping, and because each was a novelty to the other mother and son quickly formed a new friendship.

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