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I don't care about these splurges myself and I don't suppose you do now." "Thanks, no. I told you this was my last game. As to the splurge, if I had the money I would willingly try it again. So long." When Mellish came in and saw that the game was over he asked where Pony was. "He knew when he had enough, I guess," answered Bert. "He's gone home." "Come in here, Bert.

"They were always strange women," she thought, "those Splurges, not a sound heart nor a healthy mind among them. Could their false, barren life have maddened this proud Madeline? Else what did she mean by her 'hot head' and her 'fierce heart'? And what had that Philip Withers to do with her trouble and her distraction?

All the good society of Hendrik said the Splurges were a charming family, a most attached and happy family, lovely in their lives and in death not to be divided, and that they looked sweetly in hoops.

"It's nothin' but a splurge," said Jimmy; "sooner or later everybody splurges shows off! Meshach's jest spilin' with money and he must have a splurge two hosses and a nigger. If it ain't a splurge I can't tell what ails him to save my life." A general chorus went up of "Dogged if I kin tell to save my life!"

From all of which you have no doubt gathered by this time that Mr. Philip Withers was a graceful scamp, and a friend of the Splurges, who had money, which Mr.

Hence it is that most histories are mere registers of names and dates, dull or highly-colored hackneyed splurges of print giving no insight into actual conditions. In this respect most of the prevailing histories of the United States are the most egregious offenders.

You can imagine too, that his temperament ain't exactly frivolous. Hardly! Yet he thinks he's a great jollier when he wants to be. Also he likes to have me kid him about bein' such a finicky dresser, for while he never splurges on anything sporty, he's always neat and well dressed. "Who's the little queen that all this is done for?" I asks him once.

They would sit all day in front of an easel, painting the most inconceivable pictures pink skies and green-faced women and purple grass and fantastic splurges of color which they would call anything from "The Woman with a Mustard Pot" to "A Nude Coming Downstairs."

And yet the Splurges had but few visitors; the young women of the neighborhood, when they called there, left always an essential part of their true selves behind them as they entered, and an ornamental part of their reputations when they took their departure; nor were the young men partial to the name, for Josephine bored them, and Adelaide taunted them, and Madeline snubbed them, and Mrs.

"All ready, Lawry!" shouted he. "Is everything all right?" "Yes, as good as new. Now, if you will go into the wheel-house, we will see what she will do." "Hurrah!" shouted Lawry. He pulled the bell for starting her, and with a thrill of delight he heard the wheels splashing in the water; and the great splurges began to roll up on the shore.