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Meanwhile Senator Cheney's purse was always open to any demand the church made; he believed in churches as benevolent if not soul-saving institutions, and cheerfully aided their charitable work. The rector of St Blank's, the fashionable edifice where the ladies of the Cheney household obtained spiritual manna in New York, died when Alice was sixteen years old.

"You're the loyalest and best thing I ever knew. And and if you aren't careful I'll I'll give you one of my daubs after all. Come along. Let's go and look at the new church. Let's go and see how all the pious, whited sepulchers of this valley are getting on with their soul-saving business. I I couldn't paint a thing to-day."

He believes without question that the only human test of conversion is the uttermost willingness of the soul to be spent in the service of soul-saving. If a man wishes to keep anything back from God, his heart is not given to God. He is no emotionalist in this matter.

Then, too, she would read good books explanations of the Bible, about Holiness, soul-saving, lives of those who have lived and worked for God, and so on. When she had read a chapter she would shut the book, and write down as much as she could remember of it. This helped her to think clearly and to remember what she read, and also to put her thoughts into words.

Booth's object was to be a help to her husband not a hindrance; to push him forward in his soul-saving work not to hold him back; and therefore, instead of rejoicing, as most wives and mothers would have done, when a settled home and work were offered him, she was doubtful. 'Personally considered, she writes to her mother, 'I care nothing about it.

Here was a return flash, for him. Thus, teaching he taught. From this germ he was to evolve for himself the sublime truth that the world grown better, not through automatic, soul-saving machinery, but by Personality. On another occasion she inquired about "original sin;" a phrase which had stuck in her memory since the stormings of the Madison preacher. Here was a demand to try his mettle.

Careful investigation shows a constant falling off in church attendance both in the large towns, and in the rural districts. In spite of the blessed influence of the Sunday School, the Young Men's Christian Association and Christian Endeavor, there is an increasing swing of young people away from the House of God, and therefore from soul-saving influences.

Your intentions to repentance, and the neglect of that soul-saving duty, will rise up in judgment against you. Repentance carries with it a Divine rhetoric, and persuades Christ to forgive multitudes of sins committed against him. Say not with thyself, To-morrow I will repent; for it is thy duty to do it daily.

Truly, the soul-saving business is a'thegither fa'n to a low ebb, as Master Tummas says somewhere!" "Well, but," asked Crossthwaite, "was not that man, at least, splendid?" "An' hoo much o' thae gran' objectives an' subjectives did ye comprehen', then, Johnnie, my man?" "Quite enough for me," answered John, in a somewhat nettled tone. "An' sae did I." "But you ought to hear him often.

"Quite so, and now we are going to save yours; your own medicine, father, your own medicine." "Spare me, and I will tell you where the others are." "Well, where are they?" asked the ringleader, pushing his companions away. "Hidden in the church, hidden in the church." "We knew that, you traitorous dog. Now then for the soul-saving. Catch hold there and run away with it.