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Virtue is in That which is no man's possession, but common to all: namely, the Soul though he does not enlarge upon it as that; perhaps never mentions it as the Soul at all; vice is in that which each has for himself alone: the personality. Hence his hatred of religiosity, of personal soul-saving.

Our people are not satisfied, El Khanac, and they fear that ill may come of it." "A magnificent and comfortable hypocrisy that," said Laurence, in English. "Such combination of soul-saving and slave-selling is unique." Then, in Swahili, "But what do they want, Lutali?" "They want to set right the error of yesterday."

If it really is a soul-saving concern, I don't think it matters very much what it is. On July 21, 1890, he wrote to the same friend: 'Since July 3 we have had most extraordinary weather for this part rain and dull; there have been only four or five days when I could go on to the street with my tent. I am therefore not so busy. In addition, Dr.

But it will be real, practical, healthy, soul-saving, in the very deepest sense of that word, just in proportion as your eye is single and your heart pure; just in proportion as you hunger and thirst after righteousness, and wish and try simply and humbly to do your duty in that station to which God has called you, and to learn joyfully and trustingly anything and everything which God may see fit to teach you.

And it was this careful, earnest, patient after-work which gave such glorious harvests to her soul-saving campaigns. Labour and trouble were a joy to her, if she could but help one sincere, seeking soul into the light. But remember this: while she so toiled over all who came to her for advice and guidance, she never repeated nor passed on to others their confidences.

By counselling The General to 'settle down, as his friends wished him to do, she would have a nice home, a comfortable income, and, above all, the constant presence of her husband, who would no longer need to leave her on his long soul-saving tours.