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With the voice of an angel with power from above, I would publish the blessing of soul-saving love. The steps grew slower and more sedate, the voices died away, the arms sank slowly by the sides, and the hands ceased their movement. Susanna rose to her feet, she knew not how or why. Her cheeks were flushed, her head bent.

If all the wealthy churches in New York would illuminate the darker quarters of that city with a hundred well-manned light-houses, well provided with the soul-saving apparatus of the poor man's Gospel they would do more to silence the cavils against Christianity, and more to bridge the chasm between the rich and the poor than by any of the superficial methods of the "Humanitarians."

Here was a return flash, for him. Thus, teaching he taught. From this germ he was to evolve for himself the sublime truth that the world grown better, not through automatic, soul-saving machinery, but by Personality. On another occasion she inquired about "original sin;" a phrase which had stuck in her memory since the stormings of the Madison preacher. Here was a demand to try his mettle.

It beholdeth love in the Father, in giving of his Son, and love in the Son, in giving of himself to be made soul-saving righteousness for me. And seeing it worketh by it, that is, it is stirred up to an holy boldness of venturing all eternal concerns upon Christ, and also to an holy, endeared, affecting love of him, for his sweet and blessed redeeming love.

Drew had entered the rear door, and went at once to the small bare pulpit. "Umph!" whispered Gaston. "Looks like a picture of John the Baptist." "He don't act like it." Jock was in arms at once against any suspected criticism. "He's got more sand than many a blasted heavyweight. You ought to hear his gab it's the newest thing in soul-saving. Sort o' homeopathic doctrine.

To be truly sensible of sin, is to sorrow for DISPLEASING of God: to be afflicted, that he is displeased BY US more than that he is displeased WITH us. Your intentions to repentance, and the neglect of that soul-saving duty, will rise up in judgment against you. Repentance carries with it a DIVINE RHETORIC, and persuades Christ to forgive multitudes of sins committed against him.

Torkingham's sermons make him think of soul-saving and other bewildering and uncomfortable topics. So when the son of Torkingham's predecessor asks Nat how it goes with him, that tiller of the soil answers promptly: 'Pa'son Tarkenham do tease a feller's conscience that much, that church is no holler-day at all to the limbs, as it was in yer reverent father's time!

Oh that it might be that everyone in every contact with us might feel the spiritual touch! Would not this be ideal Christian life? May He work it in us! 'Have you been to any Salvation Army efforts? I always felt better for going, but latterly did not go much I could not stand the "row." I am eager that you should identify yourself with some soul-saving agency.

In spite of all these preparations for a joyous hope and faith, he lived in the deepest despair; was full of blasphemous imaginations, horrible conceptions of God, was dejected, self-loathing, and wretched. Indeed, as Lowell said, soul-saving was to such a Christian the dreariest, not the cheerfullest of businesses.

Here he may listen to the thunders of the law, and yet not be daunted. He may say, "O law, thou mayest roar against sin, but thou canst not reach me; thou mayest curse and condemn, but not my soul; for I have a righteous Jesus, a holy Jesus, a soul-saving Jesus; and he hath delivered me from thy threats, thy curses, and thy condemnation.