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I'll teach yo to show imperence to your betters. Yo bin allus badly i' want o' soombody to tak yo down a peg or two. Now I'll show yo. I'll not fight yo, but I'll flog yo flog yo d' yo hear? And raising his carter's whip he brought it down on the boy's back and legs.

But thees mornin' I'm seein' thot hombre in town, and so I haf go gettin' you to coom help me. But you haf steal seex dolars. I'm forgettin' thot not! And if you say soomt'ing to soombody soomtime, I'm havin' you arrested, Franke, for a t'ief and a robber same as I ought to arrest thot Pedro Garcia oop in the canyon." Franke maintained discreet silence. But not for long.

He could hear the old man's plaintive cogitations over the strange experience which had blanched his hair and beard and brought him a visible step nearer to his end. "Soombody towd my owd woman tudther day, Misther Helbeck, at yoong Mason o' t' Browhead had been i' th' park that neet. Mappen tha'll tell me it was soom gell body he'd been coortin. Noa! he doan't gaa about wi' the likes o' thattens!

'She thowt she heerd soombody fleytin' and callin' it was t' wind came skirlin' round t' place, an' she aw' but thrown hirsel' oot 'o' t' bed, an' aa shooted for Tim, and they came, and they and I it's bin as much as we could a' du to hod 'er. 'Luke! Steady! exclaimed Jim. 'She'll try it again. For the hands were moving restlessly from side to side, and the face was working again.

An' theer, plain as life, were a rainbow stretched across t' fall, an' Janet sittin' on t' rock reet i' t' middle o' t' bow wi' all t' colours o' t' bowgreen an' yallow an' blue shinin' on her hair. "Efter that I fair lost count o' t' time. I sat theer, lapped i' my shawl, an' glowered at Janet, an' t' sun, an' t' watterfall, while at lang length I heerd soombody callin' me.

Mike was serving his friends; there was a clink of glass and a stirring and shaking, a pungent odor of tobacco, and much laughter. "Soombody, whoiver it was, thrun a cat down in Tom Auley's well las' night," announced Corny Sullivan with more than usual gravity. "They'll have no luck thin," says Jerry. "Anybody that meddles wid wather 'ill have no luck while they live, faix they 'ont thin."

They lifted him up, and he was overjoyed to find that they were about to take him in the direction whither the star seemed to him to lead. 'Rachael, beloved lass! Don't let go my hand. We may walk toogether t'night, my dear! 'I will hold thy hand, and keep beside thee, Stephen, all the way. 'Bless thee! Will soombody be pleased to coover my face!

'She thowt she heerd soombody fleytin' and callin' it was t' wind came skirlin' round t' place, an' she aw' but thrown hirsel' oot o' t' bed, an' aa shooted for Jim, and they came, and they and I it's bin as much as we could a' du to hod 'er. 'Luke! Steady! exclaimed Jim. 'She'll try it again. For the hands were moving restlessly from side to side, and the face was working again.

'Aye, aye, th' newspapers talk there'd be soombody goin hoongry if they didn't; or Them 'at has to eat th' egg knaws best whether it is addled or no to my thinkin, and so on through a string of similar aphorisms which finally demolished his antagonist. David meanwhile was burning to be in the fray.