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"I cannot feel easy in my conscience to be dumb in an hour like this," she explained to Lydia, adding, "It is so easy to feel your power for public work slipping away if you allow yourself to remain too long snuggled in the Abrahamic bosom of home. It requires great will power to resurrect one's soul. "I am speaking now extempore," she continued, "and more to my satisfaction than ever before.

For some reason it affected me more than commonly, and I lay for a long time nearly on the point of tears with vexation and, it is likely, some of that terror with which uncanny noises inspire children in the darkness. I was warm enough under my fox-robe, snuggled into the husks, but I was very wretched.

Then were frightened no longer. "Oh, it's our dog, Splash!" cried Sue. "It's only Splash!" "Here, Splash!" called Bunny. Then with a joyous bark the dog sprang inside the tent, and snuggled close up to his two little play-mates. "Now I isn't afraid," said Sue, as she put her arms around the big shaggy neck of her pet. "Now I isn't afraid any more. Splash can sleep with us; can't he, Bunny?"

"Why, I wrote to Peter that night the night I took you over, Bettykin. And here's the answer that came an hour ago by wire. Take your hair out of my eyes and let me read it to you." I snuggled two inches lower against Sam, and this is what he read: My life for your life, yours for mine, and joy to us both.

The marmoset was to substitute, then, for human occupants of the big rocket. His life would depend on their ability to get the winged nose section down in one piece. He stroked the tiny spacemonk gently, and got a contented series of chirps in response. Dick Earle walked in and smiled as the monkey snuggled down happily in Rick's cupped hands. "Looks as if you've made a friend, Rick. Good.

It's not likely that anyone will bother me." Bet sighed with relief as the train pulled out of the station. "Oh, I do hope he gets to the museum safely!" she whispered as she snuggled close to her father. At Bob's suggestion, Colonel Baxter notified Chief Baldwin that the fan had been found. "Do you know who stole it?" he asked. "No.

We were well disciplined little animals; we always went to bed without a murmur, but on this night we literally flew there. The Seraph ended his prayers with "and for this piwate tweasure make us twuly thankful. Amen." The next moment we had dived under the bed clothes and snuggled there in wild expectancy. From half past seven to twelve is a long stretch. The Seraph slept peacefully.

Seaton sat down and Dorothy nestled beside him, her head snuggled into the curve of his shoulder. "Sleepy, cuddle-pup?" "Heavens, no! I couldn't sleep now, lover could you?" "Not any. What's the use?" His arm tightened around her. Apparently motionless to its passengers, the cruiser bored serenely on into space, with ever-mounting velocity.

She was gazing at the Indiana shore, at a tiny village snuggled among trees and ripened fields close to the water's edge. She knew it was Brooksburg. She remembered the long covered bridge which they had crossed Spenser and she, on the horse.

"Hurry, now, and take your bath and put on your little black caps and your little brown suits. The sun has almost gone down over the hill and the birds will soon be asleep." But the little crickets snuggled under the bedclothes just as if they did not hear their mother's words. "Come, come," she said, a few minutes later, "you will sleep all night if you don't hurry.