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Each time, however, Dave wriggled out of it. When there were but seven minutes left neither team had scored. Gridley now had the ball for snap-back at its own twenty-five-yard line. The most that home boosters were hoping for now was that Gridley would be able to hold down the game to no score. Dave had been thinking deeply. He had just found a chance to mutter orders swiftly.

"One -three -seven -eleven!" There was instant, seemingly sly activity on the part of Gridley's right wing. Those from Gridley who stood on the grand stand thought that the coming play looked bad in advance. "Why don't they use Prescott again?" asked some one anxiously. "He has been having a vacation." Then followed the snap-back.

As soon as the player and ball are brought to a standstill the runner cries "down." Then some one on the runner's side places the ball on the ground at the spot where it stopped, and it is put in play by the snap-back kicking it or snapping it back, usually with his hand, but sometimes with his foot, to the quarter-back of his own side, who has taken a position just behind snap-back.

In fact, after his one outbreak before the team captain, and his subsequent remarks to the girls, Drayne had appeared to fall in line, satisfied even to be a member of the school's big squad. The ball was placed for a snap-back, and Coach Morton sounded the whistle. "Twelve-nine-seventeen -twenty-eight -four!" called Dave Darrin. Then the scrimmage was on in earnest.

A Safety Touch-down is when either by a kick, pass, or a snap-back, the player guarding his goal receives the ball from one of his own side and touches it down behind his goal line, or when he carries the ball across his own goal line and touches it down, or when he puts the ball in his own touch-in-goal, or if the ball, being kicked by one of his own side, bounds back from an enemy across the goal line and the player guarding the goal then touches it down.

A man that can do that comes pretty near to being the king of them all." "You haven't any kick coming on your center and quarterback either," broke in Allen. "Jove, they're a pair of dandies. They work together like a well-oiled machine. They're playing with their heads as well their feet all the time. They've got the snap-back and the forward pass down to perfection.

As she left him there came a sudden familiar happening in his brain, like a snap-back, and the contending tide of gray forms the Huns rushed upon him. He leaned there at the window, but just the same he awaited the shock on the ramparts of the trench.

She was, suddenly, in a large room, well lit, with elaborate furnishings sitting leaned back in a soft chair before a highly polished little table. On the opposite side of the table two people sat looking at her with expressions of mild surprise. One of them was Lyad Ermetyne. The other was a man she didn't know. The man glanced aside at Lyad. "Very fast snap-back!" he said.

It may be well to pause here to say that in the gentle art of murdering the business of taking prisoners is not elaborately worked out. They learn that by rote, rather than by note. The Canadians, since two of their men were crucified by the Prussians, take few Prussian prisoners. Here is a snap-back of the film. It is the Rue di Rivoli in Paris.

Playing together, they had sprung one of the clever ruses that both had perfected back in the old Gridley days. Haynes was furious. He was panting. There was an angry flash in his eyes as both teams lined up for the snap-back. "That fellow has come out into the field just to spite me," snarled Haynes to himself. At the signal, the ball was snapped back, and passed swiftly to Dick.