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Updated: August 22, 2024

In the few days that she had spent with the Delacours she had, for the first time in her life, felt in agreement with her surroundings. She had always hated that dirty studio, and still more its dirty slangy frequenters. And she lay awake a great part of the night thinking.

Every one laughed at Jim's slangy way of describing his interview with Jake, but he was full of his subject and would not be laughed out of countenance. "Ken and I were getting ready to go to sleep, when Jake crept under our tent flap and pulled my foot to attract attention. "There were three other surveyors in our tent, and Jake did not wish them to hear what was going on.

His speech, crude and slangy as ever, seemed to have lagged behind in his climb toward business and social recognition. Nor could it be said that the young man, so fertile in ideas, had lived up to all the brilliant promises which he had made.

You will have to rubber a little to get a good view of them." Mr. Kinsella accordingly "rubbered," as his slangy nephew put it, and satisfied himself of the identity of Mrs. Huntington. Molly was greatly interested in the occurrence. Mr. Kinsella was different from anyone she had ever seen before and Pierce's hint of a disappointed life had fired her imagination, ever ready for a romance.

Don't believe in cheap literature of no sort.... Oh, of course it's all right to read a coupla detective stories or a nice, bright, clean love-story just to pass the time away. But me, I like real, classy, high-grade writers, with none of this slangy dialogue or vulgar stuff. 'Specially I like essays on strenuous, modern American life, about not being in a rut, but putting a punch in life.

I wanted to kill whatever had made that cat. Mr. Siddons it was who first planted the conception of Life as a Career in my mind. In those talks that did so much towards shaping me into the likeness of a modest, reserved, sporting, seemly, clean and brave, patriotic and decently slangy young Englishman, he was constantly reverting to that view of existence.

Then the story of Jim Baker and the jays in "A Tramp Abroad" is told almost entirely in frontier slang, yet it is one of the most exquisite, tender, lovable pieces of work ever set down in our tongue. The grace and fun of the story, the odd effects produced by bad grammar, the gentle humour, all combine to make this decidedly slangy chapter a literary masterpiece.

Toni may not be of very exalted birth, but she is a hundred times more ladylike than half the flappers one meets in Society nowadays, with their cigarette-cases, their bridge purses and their slangy talk. One of those loud young women would be the death of me in a week and you know Toni's voice is delightfully soft, with quite a Southern intonation caught in Italy, I expect."

There may have been occasions when excessive provocation has led me to the use of regrettable expressions, but they have been few. As a rule I avoid not only what is profane, but also anything that is slangy. I fail to understand this habit which the present generation has formed of picking up some meaningless phrase and using it in season and out of season.

She was awfully slangy herself she and Harriett were, in their thoughts as well as their words but she had no provincialisms, no Londonisms she could be the purest Oxford English.

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