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"No, but if you left it stranded there in the wind and sun, green and sappy as it is now, ye'd have every seam and crack startin' till the ribs shone through, and no amount of calkin' would make it watertight agin. No; my idea is clear out the brush and shadder around it! Let the light shine in upon it!

"But she wasn't backwoods bred, and the other girls said she was timid and afraid of her shadder," chuckled Long Jerry. "She warn't afraid of the boys, and mebbe that's why the other gals said sharp things about her," pursued the philosophical backwoodsman. "You misses know more about that than I do sure!

But he was not shivering so blandly fell the sun's rays, and so gently played the breeze. "I can't make you out," she confessed. "First when I came on yer an' that was on'y yestiddy you was like a thing afraid o' yer own shadder. An' now you don't appear to mind nothin' not even the chance o' bein' found an' took back." The boy drew a long breath. "You're shakin' with cold, though. There!

"Wal," he said grumblingly, "mebbe you Noo Yorkers has points mebbe, I sez." Then he dismissed the subject with an impatient shrug of his drooping shoulders, and went off at a fresh angle. "Say, I wus kind o' wonderin' some 'bout that flea-bitten shadder, Joe Nelson. He's amazin' queer stayin' 'round here. He's foxin' some, too.

"I can just remember one story about a dog that was crossing a river on a plank with a piece of meat in his mouth, and when he saw his shadder in the water, made a spring at it and dropped the meat which he held in his mouth, and it was at once carried away by the current."

'But last Sunday, when we were in the tenth commandment, says she, "Incline our hearts to keep this law," says she, when 'twas "Laws in our hearts, we beseech Thee," all the church through. Her eye was upon him she was quite lost "Hearts to keep this law," says she; she was no more than a mere shadder at that tenth time a mere shadder.

'Truth, said the Doctor, with mild severity, 'I know you don't believe in applying the slipper, but I do think we should arrange some plan for giving that child an idea of the solemnity of life. So far as I can judge, he looks at it as one prolonged picnic. 'My sentiments exactly! cried Bell, energetically. 'I can't stand many more of these trying scenes; I am worn to a "shadder."

"Vaya, Irlandes! What did you see?" inquired one of the Mexicans, appealing to Barney. I saw by this that it was the Irishman who had fired the shot. "A rid-skin, by japers!" replied the latter. "Warn't it yer own shadder ye sighted in the water?" cried a hunter, jeeringly. "Maybe it was the divil, Barney?" "In trath, frinds, I saw a somethin' that looked mighty like him, and I kilt it too."

Well, the next morning Molly come, havin' arrived on a sleeper. I welcomed her warmly. She's a sweet girl, with big eyes soft and brown as the shallers in our trout brook and a shadder in 'em now some like the dark places where the deep water is.

We was watching the shadder of the balloon slide along the ground, and now and then gazing off across the desert to see if anything was stirring, and then down on the shadder again, when all of a sudden almost right under us we see a lot of men and camels laying scattered about, perfectly quiet, like they was asleep.