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Updated: August 14, 2024

Not only were his wishes in this and all respects carried out, but the cathedral chapter erected a tablet to his memory, upon which an epitaph he would not have disdained was inscribed: Rerum Ætate Nostra Gestarum Et Novi Orbis Ignoti Hactenus Illustratori Petro Martyri Mediolanensi Cæsareo Senatori Qui, Patria Relicta Bella Granatensi Miles Interfuit Mox Urbe Capta, Primum Canonico Deinde Priori Hujus Ecclesiæ Decanus Et Capitulum Carissimo Collegae Posuere Sepulchrum Anno MDXXVI.

For just so the Rhemists think that the times and places of Christ’s nativity, passion, burial, resurrection, and ascension, were made holy; and just so Bellarmine holdeth, that Christ did consecrate the days of his nativity, passion, and resurrection, eo quod nascens consecrarit præsepe, moriens crucem, resurgens sepulchrum.

Habentur iuxta sepulchrum duo altaria, sub vno est fons Aquae quae putatur exire de vno Paradisi flumine. Satis prope ab hac Ecclesia ad rupem Gethsemane habetur capella, vbi scilicet Iudaeis traditus fuit Christus a Iuda.

These things were in no manner to be accounted for, and my eyes at length dropped to the open pages of a book, and to a sentence underscored therein. The words were the singular but simple ones of the poet Ebn Zaiat: "Dicebant mihi sodales si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas."

Here too is the chapel consecrated to Isotta, 'Divæ Isottæ Sacrum; and the tombs of the Malatesta ladies, 'Malatestorum domûs heroidum sepulchrum; and Sigismondo's own grave with the cuckold's horns and scornful epitaph.

Qui peperit pacem regno, qui bella peregit Plurima, qui victor semper ab hoste redit, Qui natas binis conjunxit regibus ambas, Regibus et cunctis faedere junctus erat. Qui sacrum hoc struxit templum, statuitque; sepulchrum Pro se, proque sua conjuge, proque domo. Lustra decem atque; annos tres plus compleverit annos,

Hannaeus, in 1686, issued a paper on such a case under the title, "Mater, Infantis Mortui Vivum Sepulchrum," which may be found in French translation. Buchner speaks of a fetus being retained in the uterus for six years, and Horstius relates a similar case. Schmidt's Jahrbucher contain the report of a woman of forty-nine, who had borne two children.

So I held my peace, saying only under my breath: "Dixit incipiens in corde suo, Non est Deus. Corrupti sunt et abominables facti sunt in studiis suis; non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum: sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum; linguis suis dolose agebunt, venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum. Dominum non invocaverunt; illic trepid-averunt timore, ubi non erat timor.

I felt that I must scream or die! and now again! hark! louder! louder! louder! louder! "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! tear up the planks! here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!" Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum forelevatas. Ebn Zaiat. MISERY is manifold. The wretchedness of earth is multiform.

A third inscription, which probably had not been perceived in 1793, is seen at the upper corner of the left side: Hoc Lodoice tibi posuit Brezœe sepulchrum, Pictonis amisso mœsta Diana viro. Indivulsa libi quondam et fidissima conjux, Ut fuit in thalamo, sie erit in tumulo .

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