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Now to show the facility with which folks will turn right round and revolve, I will tell how Josiah seemin'ly forgot mawlstroms, bad air, rumatiz, ages, meetin' housen, principles, etc., and turned right round on the pivot of his inclination.

"Yes," says I. "I never see one myself; but, from what I have heard of 'em, they are very strange." "Don't you think there are things done that seem supernatural?" "I don't know as they are any more supernatural than the telegraph and telefone and electric light, and many other seemin'ly supernatural works.

I got to thinkin' more of her all the time, an' she me, seemin'ly. We took a few days off together two three times that summer, to Niag'ry, an' Saratogy, an' 'round, an' had real good times. I got to thinkin' that the state of matrimony was a putty good institution.

And it wuz anon that we see in the distance a fair white female a standin' kinder still in the edge of the woods, and Josiah spoke in a seemin'ly careless way, and sez he, "She don't seem to have many clothes on, Samantha."

When I got her on the car I begun to see what a fool thing I'd done, seemin'ly. An' yet, I donno. I wouldn't 'a' left a month-old baby there on the corner. I'd 'a' bed to 'a' done for that, like you do I s'pose to keep the world goin'. An' that woman was just as helpless as a month-old. Some are.

Peaches said he kind of had an idea the stranger dealt himself a card from the bottom just before old Dale started to crawl his hump. But Peaches ain't shore about it. Seemin'ly old Dale is the only one was shore, and he's dead." "And yo're going for the coroner, huh?" asked Racey. "I said so." "But you didn't say if anybody was chasing the stranger now. Are they?" "Shore," was the prompt reply.

A man and woman, dretful shabby lookin', wuz a standin' by the door of the hut, and the man had a shovel in his hand, and had been a loadin' sand into a awful big wheelbarrow that wuz a standin' by seemin'ly ready to carry it acrost the fields, to where some man wuz a mixin' some motar, to lay the foundations of a barn.

If the women of the land had it in their power to do what their hearts dictate, what the poorest, lowest man has the right to do, every saloon, every low grog-shop, would be closed." She said this to Josiah the mornin' after the lecture I speak of. He sot there, seemin'ly perusin' the almanac; but he spoke up then, and says, "You can't shet up human nater, Cicely: that will jump out any way.

He was in the saddle in a flash, and sat there like a centaur. 'We've got one man amongst us, seemin'ly, said the old rough-riding Sergeant. 'You've seen a horse before to-day, my lad. 'One or two, said Polson. 'Come out, said the red-nosed drill. 'Let's see what you're good for. Put her at that.

He took the hand she stretched shaking toward him; then a question burst from his lips. "For God's sake speak an' tell me the worst on it. What terrible evil be here? He'm he'm daft seemin'ly; he's spawk the awfulest mad words as ever comed from lips.