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Updated: August 15, 2024

Some times we would go clost up to the shore, by islands whose green forests swep' clear down to the water's edge, makin' the water look green and cool and shady, and the water would narrow itself down between two houses seemin'ly jest to be accomodatin', and run along between 'em like a little rivulet with water lilies and buttercups dippin' down into it on each side and boys wadin' acrost.

"No. He'll do what's right a proper, braave man." "An 'mazin' rich seemin'ly. For the Lard's love, if you'm gwaine up Drift, take care o' all that blessed money. Doan't say no word 'bout it till you'm in the farm, for theer's them the tinners out o' work an' sich as 'ud knock 'e on the head for half of it. To think as Michael burned a hunderd pound!

Pomper wuz round. The day wuz a tegus one to me, borne down as I wuz by the constrainin' atmosphere of a onwelcome and onlawful attachment. And it took all the principle I had by me to git up even a emotion of pity for the one-eyed watcher, whose only recreation seemin'ly durin' that long, long day wuz to watch our party as clost as any cat ever watched a rat hole, and to kinder hang round us.

From the window Damaris observed her son make a complete perambulation of his trouble without comment. Then a little emotion trembled on her tongue. "God's hand be lifted 'gainst the bwoy, same as 't was 'gainst the patriarch Job seemin'ly. Awnly he bent to the rod and Will " "He'm noble an' grand under his sorrows. Who should knaw but me?" cried Phoebe.

Winding walks in which the great Conqueror might have walked with his brain teemin' with ambitious plans. I didn't want to leave the garden it was so beautiful, but time wuz passin' and we went inside and went through room after room, each one seemin'ly more beautiful than the one we had seen last. The picture-room wuz specially beautiful filled as it is with treasures of French art.

These Mines, worked way back before history begins, that furnished the gold that Cortez loaded his returnin' galleons with, still keep right on a-yieldin' their rich treasures, provin' that there is no end to 'em, as you may say. On the opposite side of the avenue are the treasures of our own country. Each State and Territory has tried, seemin'ly, to make the richest and most dazzlin' exhibition.

All to once, another wind sprung up from nowhere seemin'ly, and tried its best to blow off my bunnet.

But yet, I have seen them that this mind cure religion had fairly riz right up, and made 'em nigher to heaven every way so nigh to it that seemin'ly a light out of some of its winders had lit up their faces with its glowin' repose, its sweet rapture. I've seen 'em, seen 'em as the Patent Medicine Maker observes so frequently, "before and after takin'."

Wall, he could get such big rents for drinkin'-saloons, that four of Cicely's buildings wus rented for that purpose; and there wus one billiard-room. And what made it worse for Cicely seemin'ly, it wus her own property, that she brought to Paul when she wus married, that wus invested in these buildings. At that time they wus rented for dry-goods stores, and groceries.

I don't think I ever did so much work in an hour before." She looked and blushed to note her brown frock and shoes. "You've done a deal more to them fuzzes than what you have to me, seemin'ly," she said. "That's because the gorse is always here and you are not. I work at the gorse morning after morning, when the sun is up, until my fingers ache.

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