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Updated: August 7, 2024

If the son of a sea-cook had stayed where he was he'd have missed that; but if the fool likes better to be in the belly of a crocodile than the forecastle of a good ship, he's had his choice. All I've got to say is, it's a queer craft he's chosen to ship aboard o'."

"Plenty o' dat 'ere," responded the ex-cook of the Pandora. "Yar am a coil o' strong sinnet. Dat do?" "That's the stuff," responded Ben. "Heave it this way, ye son of a sea-cook! Heave!" "Now," continued he, laying hold of the coil of sennit, and tossing back one end over an empty water-cask. "Make fast there, Snowey! I dare say we can lay alongside safe enough till daylight!

This was the query to which neither sailor nor sea-cook could give a reply, either with positive truth or probable conjecture. For full ten minutes it remained unanswered; that is, ten minutes after the sword-fish adventure had ended, and twenty from the time the frigate-bird had been seen to swoop at the flying-fish.

That's my boat over there the 'Hoppergrass' an' I come into Bailey's with her last Toosday afternoon, an' this feller was with me, an' the three boys you arrested. An' what they told you was true, they thought they was in his uncle's house, an' anybody would have knowed it, but a puddin'-headed son of a sea-cook, like you!" "Mr. Flanders! Mr.

My face might have told tales upon me; for more than once I was taken to task by my ruffian companions, who jeered me for my scruples, calling me "green-horn", "land-lubber", "son of a gun", "son of a sea-cook," and other like contemptuous appellations, of which, among sailors, there is an extensive vocabulary.

To complete his strange appearance, Captain Flint sat perched upon his shoulder and gabbled odds and ends of purposeless sea-talk. I had a line about my waist, and followed obediently after the sea-cook, who held the loose end of the rope, now in his free hand, now between his powerful teeth. For all the world, I was led like a dancing bear.

You had ought to tell me that you and the rest, that lost me my schooner, with your interference, burn you! But not you, you can't; you hain't got the invention of a cockroach. But civil you can speak, and shall, George Merry, you may lay to that." "That's fair enow," said the old man Morgan. "Fair! I reckon so," said the sea-cook. "You lost the ship; I found the treasure.

But here the long man with the yellow eyes struck in. "Belay that talk, John Silver," he said. "This crew has tipped you the black spot in full council, as in dooty bound; just you turn it over, as in dooty bound, and see what's wrote there. Then you can talk." "Thanky, George," replied the sea-cook. "You always was brisk for business, and has the rules by heart, George, as I'm pleased to see.

You'll not get rid of me with that. TISHKA enters. PODKHALYÚZIN. What are you going to do to me? RISPOLÓZHENSKY. My tongue isn't bought up yet. PODKHALYÚZIN. Oh, perhaps you want to lick me, do you? RISPOLÓZHENSKY. No, not lick you, but to tell the whole thing to all respectable people. PODKHALYÚZIN. What are you going to talk about, you son of a sea-cook! And who's going to believe you?

You had ought to tell me that you and the rest, that lost me my schooner, with your interference, burn you! But not you, you can't; you hain't got the invention of a cockroach. But civil you can speak, and shall, George Merry, you may lay to that." "That's fair enow," said the old man Morgan. "Fair! I reckon so," said the sea-cook. "You lost the ship; I found the treasure.

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