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"Well, and see here," added the sea-cook. "I'll put another again to that, by thunder! For it was this same boy that faked the chart from Billy Bones. First and last, we've split upon Jim Hawkins!" "Then here goes!" said Morgan with an oath. And he sprang up, drawing his knife as if he had been twenty. "Avast, there!" cried Silver. "Who are you, Tom Morgan?

Lilly Lalee was still lying along the lid of the chest, but only one head was seen in the water! It was that of the sailor, as the white face and the long flowing hair told him. Where was the cranium of the sea-cook? Where was the skull of Snowball? Gone with his body to the bottom? These interrogatories flashed across the brain of the lad, causing him a feeling of alarm.

"Don't say that name, Daddy!" interrupted the child. "You know I don't like it. Say 'Captain January'!" "I tell ye, Honeysuckle," said the old man, "I felt more like a sea-cook than a cap'n that night. A cap'n on a quarter-deck's a good thing; but a cap'n on a p'int o' rock, out to sea in a northeast gale, might just as well be a fo'c'sle hand and done with it.

"Well, well, cap'n," returned the sea-cook, sitting down as he was bidden on the sand, "you'll have to give me a hand up again, that's all. A sweet, pretty place you have of it here. Ah, there's Jim! The top of the morning to you, Jim. Doctor, here's my service. Why, there you all are together like a happy family, in a manner of speaking."

As the last syllable shot from his lips he planted a dreadful blow between the old man's eyes, with a shriek that sounded like "You son of a sea-cook!" Mr. Scolliver the elder went down like a stricken beef, and his son often afterward explained that if he had not counted a hundred, and so given himself time to get thoroughly mad, he did not believe he could ever have licked the old man. Mr.

It is, indeed, a pleasant thing, when you are tired and hungry, to see your supper thus coming along as conqueror over space and time. No one but a man like Jonas, who had the combined talents of a sea-cook and a cowboy, could have managed it. To make coffee under such circumstances took considerable ability, of course.

During these six days he had never wholly surrendered himself up to despair. It was not the first, by several times, for the old sea-cook to have suffered shipwreck; nor was it his first time to be cast away in mid-ocean. Once had he been blown overboard in a storm, and left behind, the ship, from the violence of the wind, having been unable to tack round and return to his rescue.

"For breakfast a good cup of tea. "Silence, you sea-cook! how dare you shove in your penny whistle! How's tide, Tom?" "Three quarters ebb." "No, it a'n't, you thief; how is it Jacob?" "About half, I think." "And you're right." "What water have we down here on the side?" "You must give the point a wide berth," replied I; "the shoals runs out."

This sinister circumstance, in the excitement of the hour overlooked by the youthful sailor, was even, for a moment, unthought of by the more experienced mariner, for Snowball, in addition to being a sea-cook, was also a competent seaman. Not for long, however, did the latter continue unconscious of the danger.

Touch my block, and I'll whip you so your mother wouldn't know you, you dirty, drunken, son of a sea-cook!" The mate looked at him angrily, but uncertainly. He heard the laughter and the cheers of the bystanders on the quay and in the embowered street. He looked down at the deck, and he caught sight of a capstan-bar, which he gazed at longingly.