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"Give way, my lads, we've no time to stay," cried Sir Robert. "Take this, Smallbones," said Jemmy. "Why, so it is, Jemmy Ducks!" replied Smallbones, with astonishment "why, how did you come here?" "Sarcumstances," replied Jemmy; "how did you come there?" "Sarcumstances too, Jemmy," replied Smallbones.

Younker; "don't talk about gratitude, for a lettle favor sech as every body's got a right to, what comes into this country and gits shot by savages. We havn't done no more for you than we'd a done for any body else in like sarcumstances; and, la, sir, the pleasure o' knowing you're a going to git well agin, arter being shot by Injen's pizen bullets, is enough to pay us twenty times over Eh!

'Oh! by my sowkins, says the priest, 'it'll be the quarest ghost in the siven parishes, says he, 'if it has the courage to come back, says he, 'afther what I'll do this mornin', plase God, says he; 'so we'll say twelve pounds; an' God knows it's chape enough, says he, 'considherin' all the sarcumstances, says he.

"Sartain; that's quick-thoughted, and creditable, Judith, though the main idee is wrong. A natur' is the creatur' itself; its wishes, wants, idees and feelin's, as all are born in him. This natur' never can be changed, in the main, though it may undergo some increase, or lessening. Now, gifts come of sarcumstances.

Tell me, what do you think, messmate? "`Why, replied I, `sarcumstances will make us do what we other wise would never think possible. I never was in such a predicament, and therefore can't tell what people may be brought to do. But tell me, messmate, what was the name of the poor woman? "`The husband's name was Ben Rivers. "`Rivers, did you say? replied I, struck all of a heap.

'Suspicious sarcumstances about that 'ere valise, sir. Telegraph come this morning that a burglar started on the 8.45 Philadelphia train, with a lot of stolen spoons, in a black valise. Spoons marked T.B. Watched at the Ferry. Saw the black valise. Followed it up here. Took a peek inside. Sure enough, there was the spoons. Marked T.B., too. Said it was yours. Shall have to take you in charge.

"I've boated a good many times on these waters, and under sarcumstances that called fur 'arnest motion, but I sartinly never went across this bay as fast as I've did it to-day. How do ye feel, Bill, how do ye feel?" "A good deal shaken up," was the answer, "a good deal shaken up."

"If that is all that would keep your sister from coming," said Miriam, "she need not trouble herself." "Now look a here, Miss Miriam," said Mike, quickly, "of course everything in this world depends on sarcumstances, an' if it happened that Mr.

We shall then be in the track of boats coming up from the lower end of the lake, and can paddle boldly on. No one would be keeping any lookout that way. Our danger won't begin until we get ashore; in course, then we must act according to sarcumstances." This manoeuvre was carried out.

"Well, a perhaps is better than nothing at all," said the lad. "Yes," observed Short. "That depends upon sarcumstances," observed Spurey. "What sort of a breakfast would you make upon a perhaps?" "A good one, perhaps," replied Smallbones, grinning at the jingling of the words. "Twenty dozen tyfels, Smallbones is in de right," observed Jansen, who had taken no part in the previous conversation.