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She was of the middle size, or rather less, but formed with much elegance; piercing dark eyes, and jet-black hair of great length, corresponded with the vivacity and intelligence of features in which were blended a little haughtiness, and a little bashfulness, a great deal of shrewdness, and some power of humorous sarcasm.

"Confound me if I can." "Well. I see, Mr. Cudmore, you are really too innocent for these people. But come it shall never be said that youth and inexperience ever suffered from the unworthy ridicule and cold sarcasm of the base world, while Tom O'Flaherty stood by a spectator.

'She was very much concerned for me-was afraid something dreadful had happened, continued Helena, in the same keen, sarcastic tone, which showed she was trying to rid herself of her own mortification. 'Because we weren't in till about eleven? said Siegmund, also with sarcasm. 'I mustn't do it again. Oh no, I mustn't do it again, really. 'For fear of alarming the old lady? he asked.

"If it were to clear up I wouldn't know how to behave, it would seem so unnatural," said Kate. "Do you, by any chance, remember what the sun looks like, Phil?" "Does the sun ever shine in Saskatchewan anyhow?" I asked with assumed sarcasm, just to make Kate's big, bonny black eyes flash.

Jorian threw back his head as though to discharge a spiteful sarcasm with good aim; but turning to me, said, 'Harry, the thing must be done; your father must marry. Notoriety is the season for a pick and choice of the wealthiest and the loveliest. I refuse to act the part of warming-pan any longer; I refuse point blank.

And three hundred years later, Bebel, the would-be nineteenth century Luther of a different Protestantism, took the same attitude towards sexual abstinence, while Hinton the physician and philosopher, living in a land of rigid sexual conventionalism and prudery, and moved by keen sympathy for the sufferings he saw around him, would break into passionate sarcasm when confronted by the doctrine of sexual abstinence.

He blew it off with a loud, indignant puff. "Oh! Ah! Indeed!" he said. Puffin was rather taken aback by the violence of these interjections; they dripped with angry sarcasm. "Oh, well! No offence," he said.

If slightest sarcasm lurked in these softly spoken words I acknowledge total oblivion to it. Her fair face was the picture of earnestness, her eyes gazed frankly into mine. "Our release, Madame." She lifted her white hands in a sudden gesture of expostulation. "Why ask that? It is utterly beyond my power, señor at least, at once," in a tone of despair, convincing me she spoke truly.

"He's going to call the men off at ten o'clock if we don't put in a runway and dollies on the distributing floor." Bannon looked at his watch. "Is that all he wants?" Max, in his excitement, did not catch the sarcasm in the question. "That's all he said, but it's enough. We can't do it." Bannon closed his watch with a snap. "No," he said, "and we won't throw away any good time trying.

The prophecy was indeed a proof that the Prince could read the future, but the sarcasm of the President, that the remark had been made in a tone of exultation, was belied by every action of the prophet's life. The fiat went forth. In the market-place of every town and village of the Netherlands, the inquisition was again formally proclaimed.