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Give me a safety-pin at once! A boy heard him he was bellowing like a bull ran up with a safety-pin and gave it to him; whereupon Moncharmin slammed the door in my face, and there you are!" "And couldn't you have said, 'Christine Daae." "I should like to have seen you in my place. He was foaming at the mouth. He thought of nothing but his safety-pin.

Now, the old-fashioned way of tying a knot in the corner of your napkin and anchoring it under your Adam's apple that's gone by. Also the stringed bib and safety-pin. "But you see " I broke in. "I do, Professor. It's right here. I understand your objection. But it is purely verbal and academic, Professor. You are troubled concerning the name of this indispensable article.

And he stooped. "Dick," said Lena imperatively, "there's a carriage coming!" "Let it come!" said Dick. "Sorry I haven't a safety-pin, girlie, but I guess this one will do till you get home." That impulsive interest in all varieties of human nature was so natural to him that he took for granted that it was a part of our common nature.

In me a plain woman, sir, with my hands still odorous of onion dressing, and a safety-pin from my daughter's bathing-struggle still sticking into my twelve-and-a- half-cent gingham, in me, I say, you behold a contented human creature, who confidently hopes to live to be ninety-seven!" "And then we'll have eternity together!" said the dusty Billy, with an arm about her.

The other contents of her jewel-case were a large green malachite brooch in the shape of a Maltese cross, a tiny silver pig, and a broken gold safety-pin; but no child ever possessed treasures more greatly prized.

Moncharmin opened it automatically, seemed hardly to recognize Mercier, his business-manager, exchanged a few words with him, without knowing what he was saying and, with an unconscious movement, put the safety-pin, for which he had no further use, into the hands of his bewildered subordinate ...

Put it as briefly as you can, but make sure he understands. He has a good signaller with him. Send Bogle to report when you have finished. Now repeat what I have said to you.... That's right. Carry on!" M'Snape was gone. Angus, left alone, pensively restored the safety-pin to the grenade, and laid the grenade upon the ground beside him.

Why, look at your pants! They're split all down the leg, and there's your knee sticking out of the hole! The prison authorities call that economy, may be; what do you call it?" I said that I was not competing for the glass of fashion just then. Ned offered to sew up the rent for me, but I said that the safety-pin now on duty would suffice.

Then when the last safety-pin is in they lie back without making themselves in the least comfortable, without drawing up a sheet or turning once upon the pillow, and sleep just as the head falls. How little women can stand! Even the convoy cannot mend the pains of the new V.A.D. I dare not speak to her: she seems, poor camel, to be waiting for the last straw.

Sonia looked at Dion, and, without a word, adjusted the handkerchief deftly, and pinned it in place with a safety-pin which she drew out of her dress. Then she left the room with her flat-footed walk. As she shut the door Dion said doggedly: "You'd better let her bathe it now, because I'm not going in a moment." "When I ask you to go you will go." "Sit down. I must speak to you."