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When this was done, the two men cinched the saddles and made every preparation for sudden flight. Lane and the horses remained outside the station behind a freight-car on a siding, while McKee stole softly through the open door to 'Ole Man' Terrill's side. Now, the agent used as a safe-deposit vault his inside waistcoat pocket, the lock upon which was a huge safety-pin.

He said, 'What do you want? I answered, 'Some one has run away with Christine Daae. What do you think he said? 'And a good job, too! And he shut the door, after putting this in my hand." Mercier opened his hand; Remy and Gabriel looked. "The safety-pin!" cried Remy. "Strange! Strange!" muttered Gabriel, who could not help shivering. Suddenly a voice made them all three turn round.

"Could you supply me with some?" I replied; and only too pleased, she squalled to an urchin who was distributing the squares plus a safety-pin. I was such a well-poised "rail-sitter" that I was entitled to wear both colours; and as this one was being ostentatiously fastened to the lapel of my over-jacket, I remembered the injunction to live at peace with all.

I could not get a word in; and what do you think he shouted at me? 'Have you a safety-pin? 'No! 'Well, then, clear out! I tried to tell him that an unheard-of thing had happened on the stage, but he roared, 'A safety-pin!

He didn't take any part in the discussion such as saying, "Yes, I will stand it...." but waited with interest showing on his bony face, and when they glanced down at him and said, "Let's get it through now!" he rolled over to undo his safety-pin that I might take off his sling.

He was wearin' black clothes, though it were a workin'-day; and all muddied and tore, showin' the skin under; and his coat was pinned acrost the neck, with a safety-pin 'cause he hadn't no shirt. He had a Sunday hat on too all busted. At the best he weren't no beauty; his teeth was out." Natalie shuddered. Garth, suffering for her, could not bear to meet her eyes.

But, Teacher, it's like this: your jumper's sticking out und you could to take mine safety-pin." He had understood so little of all that had passed that he was beyond being surprised by the result of this communication. Miss Bailey had gathered him into her arms and had cried in a queer helpless way. And as she cried she had said over and over again: "Morris, how could you?

She was quite serious and began to unfasten a gold safety-pin. "Look here," I said hurriedly. "You're awfully kind; but, you know, as it is in, don't you think perhaps it had better stay in? I mean, after all, a sting in the ear " She just waved my head round and began. "Police," I said feebly. "Assault and wounding stalk in your midst. Police." She really got it out very well...

Despairingly he doffed his mantle and looked down upon himself for a last sickening assurance that the stockings were as obviously and disgracefully Margaret's as they had seemed in the mirror at home. For a moment he was encouraged: perhaps he was no worse than some of the other boys. Then he noticed that a safety-pin had opened; one of those connecting the stockings with his trunks.

Ballygran appeared at last, dimly visible through the driving rain. It was a miserable-looking hovel, roofed with sodden thatch, surrounded by a sea of mud. A bare-footed woman stood in the doorway. She wore a tattered skirt and a bodice fastened across her breast with a brass safety-pin.