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Updated: August 15, 2024

Wherefore I will not take thy oblation, because it is none of thine. I left it thee to relieve thy poor neighbours, and thou hast not therein done according unto this my commandment, Misericordiam volo, et non sacrificium; I had rather have mercy done, than sacrifice or oblation. Wherefore until thou dost the one more than the other, I will not accept thine oblation."

'The penalty that approaches me appears to me more terrible the nearer it comes. Like the Preacher "I have judged him happiest who is not yet born, nor doth he see the ills that are done under the sun." Eminence, give me yet a little time. 'A fortnight gladly. But that is the utmost limit. My son, make the "sacrificium intellectus!" and make it willingly.

After many greetings on both sides, she proceeded, in her Latin, to give me an account of all that had occurred in the village since I had last been there, and of the atrocities of the factious in the neighbourhood. I asked her to breakfast, and introduced her to the friar, whom she addressed in this manner: "Anne Domine Reverendissime facis adhuc sacrificium?"

For though Gotama had a breadth of view rare in that or in any age, though he refused to multiply observances or to dogmatize, every sutta indicates that he was a man of exceptional authority and decision; what he has laid down he has laid down; there is no compulsion or punishment, no vow of obedience or sacrificium intellectus; but it is equally clear that there is no place in the order for those who in great or small think differently from the master.

Would Christ this word, "by himself," had been better weighed and looked upon, and in sanctificationem, to make them holy; for he is juge sacrificium, "a continual sacrifice," in effect, fruit, and operation; that like as they, which seeing the serpent hang up in the desert, were put in remembrance of Christ's death, in whom as many as believed were saved; so all men that trusted in the death of Christ shall be saved, as well they that were before, as they that came after.

So he was, Agnus occisus ab origine mundi; "The Lamb that hath been slain from the beginning of the world;" and therefore he is called juge sacrificium, "a continual sacrifice;" and not for the continuance of the mass, as the blanchers have blanched it, and wrested it; and as I myself did once betake it.

Durand himself, for as much as he hath written in the defence of ceremonies, in his unreasonable Rationale, yet he maketh this plain confession: Sane in primitiva ecclesia, sacrificium fiebat in vasis ligneis et vestibus communibus: tunc enim erant lignei calices et aurei sacerdotes: nunc vero è contra est.

Palmer proves the very ancient or apostolical origin of the "main order", the substance of the Roman liturgy. Origines liturg. vol. I, sect. VI. The author of the canon is unknown; yet we know the authors of some additions to the canon. Thus S. Leo I added sanctum sacrificium immaculatam hostiam, S. Gregory I, diesque nostros in tua pace disponas.

Then an andante for soprano, tenor, and bass Soli; "Cor mundum," and "Redde mihi," allegro to "ad se convertentur." I also composed a recitative for a bass air, "Libera me de sanguinibus," because a bass air of Holzbauer's follows. The "sacrificium Deo spiritus" being an aria andante for Raaff, with a hautboy and a bassoon solo obligato.

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