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There are wise Germans now who prophesy, with sacred tears, a second 'Thirty Years' War, with all its frantic horrors, for their hapless country, which has found two centuries too short a time wherein to recover from the exhaustion of that first fearful scourge.

The Mothers of the Wise and Good, by JABEZ BURNS, D.D., reprinted by Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, Boston, is a collection of interesting incidents, showing the effects of maternal influence on the formation of character, and tracing the excellence of many eminent men in various walks of life, to the pure and exalted virtues with which they were familiar in early life, within the sacred retirements of the domestic circle.

I said he was right there never under my roof, where the Lares were sacred, and the laws of hospitality paramount. He said it was no derogation from a man's dignity to confess that I was a devilish good fellow. I instantly proposed his health. Somebody was smoking. We were all smoking. I was smoking, and trying to suppress a rising tendency to shudder.

We believe that outside all sacred places, outside the churches of our own faith and order, and of any other churches, there are men, and women too, equally called of God with those within such limits, and the evidence that they are so called lies in the fact that in them also the Spirit of God is resting, and through them the Spirit of God is working.

He went to the marquis and represented that, if there was to be any exercise whatever of unlawful power, the obligations of the sacred office with which he was invested would not permit him to be present or connive thereat.

His face was close to hers, his breath was on her cheek.... "No! No!" she almost shrieked, and wrenched herself free. "Not now! Not here! Give me time give me time to think!" She had sprung to her feet and was glaring at him with the eyes of an animal at bay. He fell back in astonishment. "You you had no right to follow me here," she was crying. "You had no right! This place is sacred.

Ella sprang to her feet and bent over the girl with trembling eagerness. "You keep my secret, meine liebe?" "Yes yes " "I never tell a soul on earth what I tell you now I just eat my heart out and keep still all the years, I can tell you ja?" "Yes, I'll keep it sacred go on " "When I know he gouge my eye out, I go wild. I get my hand on his throat and choke him still.

Monkish legends tell of sacred pictures and vessels which, when an impure touch was laid upon them, refused to be lifted from their place, and grew there, as rooted, in spite of all efforts to move them.

"If you will believe my oath," answered the merchant, "I swear by all that is sacred, that I will come and meet you here without fail." "What time do you require then?" demanded the genie. "I ask a year," said the merchant; "I cannot in less settle my affairs, and prepare myself to die without regret.

Wherever havoc and ruin raged most fiercely, wherever the pursuit was hottest and the slaughter most cruel, there the intrepid priest was sure to be seen pursuing his sacred duties in defiance of every peril.