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Here lies Queen Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV., sister of King Edward V., wife of Henry VII., and the glorious mother of Henry VIII. She died in the Tower of London, on the eleventh of February, A.D. 1502, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. Between the second and third choirs in the side-chapels, are the tombs of Sebert, King of the East Saxons, who built this church with stone: and

The boy's life is forfeit to me, against whom his crime was directed." A grim look squared his mouth as suddenly he stretched his hand past Sebert and caught the red cloak. It may have been this which the Etheling had foreseen, for he was not taken by surprise. Jerking up his sword-arm, he knocked the thane's hand loose with scant ceremony.

"Nevertheless, it is the will of Heaven, and he is very open-handed with lands and gold when his meals please him." He cast a thirsty glance toward the half-filled goblet which Sebert was absently fingering. "If you have eagerness for a sight of him, you have but to walk through the galleries until you come to the garden in which he is fleeting his time with his women."

It appeared that the Etheling had recovered from his surprise, for now he said steadily, "I will not believe it. Until their oaths have been spoken and their hands have clasped and my own eyes have witnessed it, I will not believe it of him." Motioning them from his path, he was starting forward a second time, when the old cniht laid a hand lightly upon his shoulder. "Hear me, Lord Sebert!

Twelve hundred years ago its site was an island in the Thames known as Thorney Island, and a church was commenced there by Sebert, king of Essex, but was not completed until three centuries afterwards, in the reign of King Edgar, when it was named the "minster west of St. Paul's," or Westminster. The Danes destroyed it, and Edward the Confessor rebuilt it in the eleventh century.

As Sebert turned from the darkness, the boy struggled up and stood before him. "If they could be made to believe a lie about the food? If they could be made to believe that you have enough to continue this for a long time? Their natures are such that already it must have become a hardship for them to remain quiet."

For he had let go her shoulders as abruptly as he had seized them, and walked away to the window that looked out upon the rain-washed garden. After a moment's hesitation, she stole after him. "Sebert, my love, what is it? Trouble is in your mind, there is little use to deny it. Dearwyn says it concerns me, but I know that it is no less than the King.

"I do not understand you," Sebert said slowly, and quite truthfully. The Dane grinned at him. "I mean that I will fetch you in to the one who sent you the summons." "The one who sent you the summons?" Certainly that sounded as though he were using the words to conceal a name. Neither the Etheling's patience nor his temper was long enough to reach below the knee.

With her face hidden, she stood there praying it until it rang so strong through her soul that it seemed to her the Power could not but hear. And after He had heard, it would be so simple, if He was as helpful as Sebert said. There was new resolution in her movements when at last she left the window and went toward Elfgiva's bower.

Whatever others say, one never needs to tell me that Sebert is not suffering in his service." With this thought in her mind, she raised the moth-eaten tapestry and stood looking at him with a face full of generous indignation.