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Jan followed more and more slowly. There was hard-breathing effort now in his running effort that caused him physical pain and discomfort. His feet stumbled occasionally in the snow; his legs, from thigh to knee, began to ache with the gnawing torment that centers in the marrowbone; and with this beginning of the "runner's cramp" he was filled with a new and poignant terror.

"What did he mean?" asked Jim, almost sure he had not heard the runner aright. "He meant that a party of white men are approaching, and will be here by noon. I never knew an Indian runner to carry unreliable information. We have joyful news, both in regard to your brother, and the Village of Peace. Let us go in to tell the others." The Huron runner's report proved to be correct.

I'm forty-seven now; look ten years more; and the doctors say damn the doctors anyway!" He lifted the long glass to his lips and sipped it slowly to soothe away his irritation. "But I was young... once. I was young twelve years ago, and I had hair on top of my head, and my stomach was lean as a runner's, and the longest day was none too long for me. I was a husky back there in '98.

He had a touch of runner's cramp. He slept for twenty-four hours in a warm bed without stirring. When he awoke he raged at the commanding officer of the barrack for letting him sleep so long, ate three meals in one, and did up his business in a hurry. His heart warmed with pleasure when he sorted out of his mail nine letters for Pelliter, all addressed in the same small, girlish hand.

My contribution of muscle soon brought Runner's head into view. We held the rope taut while he dragged himself on to the ledge. "Did you git it?" eagerly demanded Hacker. The triumphant grin was surety for his success down the crevice. He rose and tapped a fresh scalp dangling at his belt. "I got it," he grimly replied.

The opposing left half bore down upon Joel and Blair, the latter speeding along at the runner's side, and came at them with outstretched arms. Another moment and Joel was alone. Story and the half were just a mass of waving legs and arms many yards behind. Joy was the supreme sensation in Joel's breast.

"You've got a good pony," said Burrows, eyeing Road Runner's barrel-like body and tapering legs that moved as regularly as the pistonrod of an engine. "It's a race, of course; but you're too much of a horseman to whoop it up this soon. Say we travel together till we get to the home stretch." "I'm your company," agreed Pearson, "and I admire your sense.

Then he gave the signal and the runners shot forward. Down the long course they went with twinkling legs. The spectators cheered, called their names, waved their chlamyses and himations. Their friends cried to the gods to help. Down they ran, two far ahead, others stringing out behind. Every runner's eyes were on the marble goal post with its little statue of Victory.

The Fall brings us under the curse; the tree of knowledge of good and evil has entailed upon us the necessity of self-knowledge; and if we find our hearts out of joint, and craving for more love than we get, we should examine ourselves as to whether we use the love we do get, like the runner's torch handed on from one to the other; whether the glow of our happiness warms us to pass on light and heat to others, or whether we absorb it all ourselves.

The King replied, 'Then both your heads must be staked, and your head and his must be guaranteed for the winner. When this was agreed upon and settled, the man strapped on the runner's other leg, saying to him, 'Now be nimble, and see that we win! It was arranged that whoever should first bring water out of a stream a long way off, should be the victor.