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Updated: August 6, 2024

Et qui done pourrait perde la memoire De ces temps d'aurore et de firmament, De rubans, de fleurs, de gaze et de moire, Ou l'amour begaye un argot charmant? Nos jardins etaient un pot de tulipe; Tu masquais la vitre avec un jupon; Je prenais le bol de terre de pipe, Et je te donnais le tasse en japon. Et ces grands malheurs qui nous faisaient rire! Ton manchon brule, ton boa perdu!

Itineraries of other cities merely describe streets, public institutions, the fairs, the courts, and the places of fashionable amusement; one of these curiosities of literature now before us, published less than a century ago, describes, as available resources to the stranger, Gouvernantes, Emeutes, Reves Politiques, L'Art de Diner, Bureaux d'Esprit, corresponding to our modern blue-stocking coteries, femmes de quarante ans, with their "deux ressources, la devotion et le bel esprit"; Contre Poisons, indispensable in those days of jealousy and assassination; Pots de Fleurs form an item of the most limited establishment; emblems, such as Rubans and Bonnets Rouges, are described as essential to the intelligent conduct of the visitor; and a chapter is devoted to Gallantry, of which a modern author in the same department pensively remarks, "Cette ancienne galanterie qui vivait d'esprit et d'infidelites est comptletement denaturee."

Randle Holme, in his 'Academy of Arms and Blazon, includes them in his descriptions, as a class of vagabonds 'feigning themselves mad. 'The Bedlam is in the same garb, with a long staff, etc., 'but his cloathing is more fantastic and ridiculous; for being a madman, he is madly decked and dressed all over with rubans, feathers, cuttings of cloth, and what not, to make him seem a madman, when he is no other than a dissembling knave.

His company fomented in Mr Francis a boastful spirit, "never speaking of any thing but what he should doe when he should once more command his state, how many dogs he shoulde keepe; how many horses; how many fine bands, sutes and rubans, and how freely he would play and keepe Company with good fellowes, etc." Thomas Killigrew's sister, the wife of Mr Francis, was also a very disturbing person.

"Ah! non," said she, "you are too good, too flattering; but you must tell me your judgment without flattery! Vous etes homme de gout, though an Englishman you see I have got no prejuges." Dashwood bowed. "Allons!" said she, starting up with vast gaiety: "we have got no time to lose. I have de rubans to put to de bow; I must go and attend my Diane."

This figure was danced at Delmonico's and at the Brunswick last winter, and the mammas complained that the fun grew rather too fast and furious. Les Rubans is a very pretty figure. Six ribbons, each about a yard in length, and of various colors, are attached to one end of a stick about twenty-four inches in length, also a duplicate set of ribbons, attached to another stick, must be in readiness.

Bas blancs, Souilers de peau blanche a rubans rouges. Ceinture de cuir jaune a boucle de cuivre. Masque noir. Serre-tete noir. Mentonniere noire. Chapeau gris a queue de lievre. Batte. Collerette de mousseline. Jupe gris-perle. Souliers rouges bordes de noir. Manches et collerette de mousseline. Rayon de dentelle et touffe de rubans rose vif. Tablier blanc garni de dentelles.

In the original Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune Scaramouch is Pierrot. Serre-tete blanc. Chapeau blanc. Veste et culotte de toile blanche. Bas blancs. Souliers blancs a rubans blancs. It will be seen that he differed little from his modern representative. Arlechino appeared in 1671 thus: 'Veste et pantalon a fond jaune clair. Triangles d'etoffes rouges et vertes. Boutons de cuivre.

It does not quite imply unselfishness; and that is perceived by her shrewd head. Still he is a very uncommon figure in her circle, and she esteems him, l'homme aux rubans verts, 'who sometimes diverts but more often horribly vexes her, as she can say of him when her satirical tongue is on the run.

It does not quite imply unselfishness; and that is perceived by her shrewd head. Still he is a very uncommon figure in her circle, and she esteems him, l'homme aux rubans verts, 'who sometimes diverts but more often horribly vexes her, as she can say of him when her satirical tongue is on the run.

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