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Updated: August 11, 2024

"Seems to be unanimous," remarked Bob, "although I haven't heard Jimmy's musical voice mixing into the conversation and he's usually right there with the talk. I wonder " Just then he was interrupted by a vigorous snore proceeding from a fourth member of the group, a fat round-faced boy slightly younger than the others, who was lying on his back a few feet away. The boys broke into a laugh.

"But why do you call him the Bun?" "Oh, it's the men's name for him," said Rodd, laughing. "They nicknamed him because he was such a round-faced fellow." "Beg pardon, sir," said the man, making a tug at his forelock. "Yes, my man; you want to speak to me?" "Yes, sir; the lads asked me to say, sir, that as it's been a very rough night " "Very, my man very," said Uncle Paul, staring.

"KRAFFT HOCH, HOCH KRAFFT!" they cried, and roared again, until the proprietor, a mild, round-faced man, who was loath to meddle with his best customers, advanced to the middle of the floor, where he stood smiling uneasily and rubbing his hands. But it was growing late. "Why the devil doesn't he come?" yawned Boehmer.

He had never felt towards a girl what that round-faced German boy felt. He was not sure, but he thought he disliked girls; they meant nothing to him, anyhow, and the mere thought of his arm round a girl's waist only suggested a very embarrassing attitude.

Ledbetter, is a round-faced little man, whose natural mildness of eye is gigantically exaggerated when you catch the beam through his glasses, and whose deep, deliberate voice irritates irritable people.

There had awaited her a palace attendant skilled with the brush, and there in secrecy and dire affright, hearing the footsteps of the August Aunt in every rustle of leafage, and her voice in the call of every crow, did the Round-Faced Beauty dictate the following composition: "Though the sky rain pearls, it cannot equal the beneficence of the Son of Heaven.

"Come in, come in," urged Burns, while Ellen smiled a greeting at her sister, a round-faced, fair-haired, energetic young woman, as different as possible from Ellen's own type. "Have a chair." He rose to get it for her, napkin in hand. "Will you sit down and try one of Cynthia's magnificent muffins?" "No, thank you.

And a few came back rich red, round-faced and jolly on the box-seat of Cobb & Co's, treating the driver and all hands, "going home" to sweethearts or families. Some came back grey who went as boys; and there were many who never came back.

They had looked to see a grey-bearded man like the chief factor who quarrelled and prayed; but they found instead a round-faced, clean-shaven youth, with big, good-natured eyes, yellow hair, and a roundness of body like that of a month-old bear's cub.

The man in the painted vest was seated at a table laying out cards in a complicated pattern of a solitaire game. And at one side a round-faced Mexican in ornate, south-of-the-border clothing held a guitar across one plump knee, now and then plucking absent-mindedly at a single string as he stared raptly into space. A third man stood behind the bar polishing thick glasses. "Greetings!"

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