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When she was risin' seventeen, I looked for the young men to be comin' after 'er; and come after 'er they did, and more than one and more than two, but there was only one as she ever give so much as a kind look to, and that was Bill Jarvis, the blacksmith's son at Farleigh.

Was that or was it not smoke just over the brow of the hill? "Cayn't be our camp-fire," the squat man said aloud. "I smothered that proper." "Them's clouds," pronounced Doble quickly. "Clouds an' some mist risin' from the gulch." "I reckon," agreed the other, with no sure conviction. Doble must be right, of course.

How an'-iver, he took it on him to go up to Munster, sir, undher hopes of risin' us undher the hopes, poor child an' God knows, sir, if oh, Jemmy avourneen ma-chree! doubt I doubt you sunk undher what proved too many for you!

"I got up at four o'clock," she said. "Eh! it was pretty on th' moor with th' birds gettin' up an' th' rabbits scamperin' about an' th' sun risin'. I didn't walk all th' way. A man gave me a ride in his cart an' I can tell you I did enjoy myself." She was full of stories of the delights of her day out. Her mother had been glad to see her and they had got the baking and washing all out of the way.

The land baron slowly blew a wreath of smoke in the air a circle, mute reminder of eternity! and threw the end of the cigar into the bushes. Looking long and earnestly at the surrounding scene, he started involuntarily. "The dark valley whar de mists am risin' I see yo' da, honey fo'ebber and fo'ebber "

Same old voice in your ear: 'Waal, ye little fool, an' what did you reckon to make by that? We're through with risin in our might on this farm. We go to pole er single, accordin' ez we're hitched." "An' Man the Oppressor sets an' gloats over you, same as he's settin' now. Hain't that been your experience, madam?"

Thereupon he read the note, and added: "We'll see him of the Calhouns risin' high beyant poverty and misfortune some day." Old Christopher nodded. "I'm glad Miles Calhoun was buried on the hilltop above Playmore. He had his day; he lived his life. Things went wrong with him, and he paid the price we all must pay for work ill-done."

"An' me havin' to get up at five an' let the cows out.... You weren't up at no five, I'll bet!" He had risen at eight. "Eight!" she exclaimed. "That's no hour of the day to be risin'. If you were married to me, I'd make you skip long before that hour!" Married to her!... "Sheila," he whispered, taking hold of her arm. "Well?" she said, thrusting a hay-stalk into his hair.

'T was a fishin' dog ye know an' ye was allers dreffle good to fishermen, dreffle good to everybody; died for 'em, did n't ye? "Please wait on the bank there, a minnit; I 'm comin' 'crost. Water 's pretty cold this spring an' the stream 's risin' but I can do it; don't ye mind 'bout me, sir. I 'll get acrost."

Kettering, solemnly, "and the risin' generation of the future, can point this here applicant out to their childern as a shinin' example of what can be did by inDUStry, without money and without price and it'll be fur a spur to 'em to go thou and do likewise." "Are you so dumm, Jake, you don't know YET who we mean?" Nathaniel asked.