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Updated: August 5, 2024

Black gal sweet, Same like goodies w'at de w'ite folks eat; Ho my Riley! don't you take'n tell 'er name, En den ef sumpin' happen you won't ketch de blame; Hi my rinktum! better take'n hide yo' plum; Joree don't holler eve'y time he fine a wum. Den it's hi my rinktum! Don't git no udder man; En it's ho my Riley! Fetch out Miss Dilsey Ann! Ho my Riley!

Den it's rise up, Primus! en gin it turn strong; De cow's gwine home wid der ding-dang-dong Sling in anudder tetch er de ole-time song: Good-night, Mr. Whipperwill! don't stay long! Mr. Whipperwill! don't stay long! Don't stay long! Hi my rinktum!

De squinch owl shiver like he wanter go ter bed; Ho my Riley! but de gals en de boys, Des now gittin' so dey kin sorter make a noise. Hi my rinktum! let de yaller gal lone; Niggers don't hanker arter sody in de pone. Den it's hi my rinktum! Better try anudder plan; An' it's ho my Riley! Trot out Miss Dilsey Ann! Ho my Riley!

Then bending graciously, as though the persons addressed were of dwarfish stature, "'Scuse me," he said, "but kin I please be so p'lite as to 'quiah you' name?" For a moment he listened attentively, then nodded, and, returning with the same aristocratic undulations to an imaginary doorway near the freezer, "Misto an' Missuz Orlosko Rinktum!" he proclaimed, sonorously.

Gettysburg, at sixty-five, had been tired for twenty-five years. Nevertheless, he began his day with song, his cheery, Rinktum bolly kimo. They were only fairly limbered up when four active men appeared abruptly on the property, at the corners of the claim, and began the work of putting up white location posts, after knocking others down.

In de happy Chris'mus time De niggers shake der cloze a huntin' for a dime. Hi my rinktum! En den dey shake der feet, En greaze derse'f wid de good ham meat. Ho my Riley! dey eat en dey cram, En bimeby ole Miss 'll be a sendin' out de dram. Den it's ho my Riley! You hear dat, Sam! En it's hi my rinktum! Be a sendin' out de dram!

"WHO?" cried Jane, fascinated. "Genesis, 'nounce that again, right away!" Genesis heartily complied. "Misto an' Missuz Orlosko Rinktum!" he bawled. "Was that really their names?" she asked, eagerly. "Well, I kine o' fergit," Genesis admitted, resuming his work with the freezer.

Yaller gal fine; She may be yone but she oughter be mine! Hi my rinktum! Lemme git by, En see w'at she mean by de cut er dat eye! Ho my Riley! better shet dat do' De w'ite folks 'll bleeve we er t'arin up de flo'. Den it's ho my Riley! Come a siftin' up ter me! En it's hi my rinktum! Dis de way ter twis' yo' knee! Hi my rinktum! Ain't de eas' gittin' red?

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