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Updated: August 18, 2024

"The riff-raff of the county are back of it, but the worst of it is that they've got a lot of good people in with them. Some of the Flying V Y riders are in town too. I never saw so much drinking before." "When is it to be?" "I don't know." "Who told you?" "Bud Proctor. He says Yankie and Albeen and that crowd are spending hundreds of dollars at the bars."

We're not a lot of riff-raff in the Army; we have come at the call of our King and Country to do our bit. And what I say is that a chap ought to live up to his job; we have got a big, grand job, and we chaps as is to do it ought to be worthy of our job."

His originality lay in carrying down the doctrine not only to the highways and hedges, but to the slums, the homes of the very poor, the haunts of criminals and riff-raff; in getting hold of these people; in using the worst of them 'converted, as he honestly believed as a triumphant advertisement; and then in organising his followers into a vast Army, with himself as absolute Chief.

"We'll get Wimble and we'll break up band practice if you'll stay over." "No, you don't," said Sim. "I won't have riff-raff loafing around my band." "You won't, eh?" said Banks. "We'll show you. Come down to the car while I send about forty telegrams, and then we'll fix you, Mister Askinson." Which they did that night, while most of the town looked on.

"Your father picked it up," I said, thinking she may just as well be told of the fact. "I am not afraid of papa by himself," she declared scornfully. "Oh! It's only in conjunction with his disreputable associates, strangers, the 'riff-raff of Europe' as your charming aunt or great-aunt says men like me, for instance that you " "I am not afraid of you," she snapped out.

All this, yes, but not "riff-raff," not anarchist, nor mafia, nor apache. Nothing of that did I see those days and nights. The greeting to D'Annunzio was made by men of the professional and intellectual classes I should say, having wormed my way in and out of that vast piazza gathering.

The stewards outnumber the passengers, and are the veriest riff-raff I have seen on board ship. At meals, when the captain is not below, their sole object is to hurry us from the table in order that they may sit down to a protracted meal; they are insulting and disobliging, and since illness has been on board, have shown a want of common humanity which places them below the rest of their species.

Happily, like a god in Homer, intervened a little fellow in a yellow-collared tunic, and armed with a long running-footman's cane, who dispersed the whole riff-raff with cudgel-play. He was a policeman of the Algerian capital.

But," she added with a pale smile, "when I think how I sold myself to keep up the credit of the family, and now see Freddy entertaining this riff-raff, I am sorry that I did not marry Noel, whom I loved so dearly." "That would have meant our ruin," bleated Lady Garvington, sadly. "Your ruin is only delayed, Jane. Freddy is a weak, self-indulgent fool, and is eating his way into the next world.

"The leading citizens of Crowheart, the outcasts and riff-raff of civilization, the tinhorn gamblers, the embezzlers, ex-bankrupts and libertines, the sheep-herders and reformed cattle-thieves, the blackmailers and dance-hall touts swollen by prosperity, disguised by a veneer of respectability, want justice, do they? By God!"

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