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Updated: August 15, 2024

I say, Riach, if I were you I would set all my prisoners free and take away a cartload of their wives instead. I have only seen the backs of the men of Thrums, but, on my word, I very nearly ran away from the women. Hallo! I believe one of your police has caught our virago single-handed." So Halliwell exclaimed, hearing some one shout, "This is the rascal!"

"Give me leave, sir" said Riach; "you've a good head upon your shoulders, and a good Scotch tongue to ask with; but I will leave you no manner of excuse; I want that boy taken out of this hole and put in the forecastle." "What ye may want, sir, is a matter of concern to nobody but yoursel'," returned the captain; "but I can tell ye that which is to be. Here he is; here he shall bide."

Riach; they're my own bakin'. Weel, he was a fearsomely outspoken man, the doctor, an' nae suner had he the bannock atween his teeth, for he didna stop to swallow't, than he says, 'Mistress Geddie, says he, 'I wasna born on a Sabbath.

"In all that time, sir, ye should have learned to know me: I'm a stiff man, and a dour man; but for what ye say the now fie, fie! it comes from a bad heart and a black conscience. If ye say the lad will die " "Ay, will he!" said Mr. Riach. "Well, sir, is not that enough?" said Hoseason. "Flit him where ye please!"

Mr. Riach, as I do not think he had been very forward in the battle, so he had got off with nothing worse than a blow upon the cheek: but he looked out of heart and very weary, having been all night afoot, either standing watch or doctoring the wounded. "This is a bad job," said he at last, shaking his head. "It was none of our choosing," said I.

Riach, physician of the embassy, whom they had seen at Constantinople, and who had come, with a Russian travelling passport, determined to cross the frontier, if necessary, and remain with them until their liberation. The medical skill of Dr. Riach did much to aid Mrs.

When Andrew Riach went to London, his intention was to become private secretary to a member of the Cabinet. If time permitted, he proposed writing for the Press. "It might be better if you and Clarrie understood each other," the minister said. It was their last night together. They faced each other in the manse-parlour at Wheens, whose low, peeled ceiling had threatened Mr.

"I'm thinking," said Alan, "these'll be what they call the Torran Rocks." "Are there many of them?" says the captain. "Truly, sir, I am nae pilot," said Alan; "but it sticks in my mind there are ten miles of them." Mr. Riach and the captain looked at each other. "There's a way through them, I suppose?" said the captain. "Doubtless," said Alan, "but where?

Riach could be happy again in their own way, the name of which was drink. Before we had done cleaning out the round-house a breeze sprang up from a little to the east of north. This blew off the rain and brought out the sun. And here I must explain; and the reader would do well to look at a map. On the day when the fog fell and we ran down Alan's boat, we had been running through the Little Minch.

But I think I might as well trust to a blind fiddler. Pray God you're right." "Pray God I am!" says Alan to me. "But where did I hear it? Well, well, it will be as it must." As we got nearer to the turn of the land the reefs began to be sown here and there on our very path; and Mr. Riach sometimes cried down to us to change the course.

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