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Without repeating all we have said on the depravity of this passion, let one remark suffice, that, if the torments of hell are terrible at all, they must especially be so to the voluptuous. The voluptuous man never restricts his sensual gratification; his soul dies on the slightest approach of pain. What a terrific impression must not the thought of judgment make on such a character.

The selling department generally demands many changes in product and wide range of articles of manufacture, while the manufacturing conditions require that special skill and ability that can only be developed by continuity of action of a given kind, and this restricts the range of produce.

Instead, it blunts them, restricts them, hinders them, and even attempts to eradicate them. This has been the great defect of sex education as it has been practised in recent years.

It is a narrow view which restricts the science which secures efficiency of operation to movements of the muscles. The chief opportunity for science is the discovery of the relations of a man to his work including his relations to others who take part which will enlist his intelligent interest in what he is doing. Efficiency in production often demands division of labor.

For society secures rights; it neither bestows nor restricts them. They are the direct consequence of duties. As truth can only convince by the exposure of errors and the defeat of objections, liberty is the essential guard of truth.

It makes one dependent on externals. Most of the beautiful women I've known make a sort of profession of it they live to shine and be looked at. "And you don't enjoy that?" I asked. "It restricts one's life. Men expect it of you, they resent your having any other interest." "So," I responded, gravely, "with all your beauty and wealth, you aren't perfectly happy?"

Nearly all the white men have left La Questa valley since the Japs discovered they could raise wonderful winter celery there." "But where do these Japanese farmers come from, Mr. Conway?" Parker inquired. "They do not come from Japan because, under the gentlemen's agreement, Japan restricts emigration of her coolie classes." "Well, now," Bill Conway began judicially.

In the sight of whom not only my person became vile, but each work already completed was held to be of less value than that might again be which remained yet to be done. And firstly, it is because rumour goes beyond the truth; and then, what is beyond the truth restricts and strangles it.

We have itemized with some degree of particularity the things that ought to be altered and here are some of the chief items: A tariff which cuts us off from our proper part in the commerce of the world, violates the just principles of taxation, and makes the Government a facile instrument in the hand of private interests; a banking and currency system based upon the necessity of the Government to sell its bonds fifty years ago and perfectly adapted to concentrating cash and restricting credits; an industrial system which, take it on all its sides, financial as well as administrative, holds capital in leading strings, restricts the liberties and limits the opportunities of labor, and exploits without renewing or conserving the natural resources of the country; a body of agricultural activities never yet given the efficiency of great business undertakings or served as it should be through the instrumentality of science taken directly to the farm, or afforded the facilities of credit best suited to its practical needs; watercourses undeveloped, waste places unreclaimed, forests untended, fast disappearing without plan or prospect of renewal, unregarded waste heaps at every mine.

Under ordinary circumstances, he restricts himself to a vegetable diet, but is very fond of a small species of snail which feeds on the prairie grass; and, like others of his relatives, he is greatly addicted to honey. As his feet are furnished with strong sharp claws, he is able to make his way up the trunks of trees to reach his favourite food.