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"Let the women-folks and the deacons go home, if they're scared, and put the fellah's j'int in as quick as you like. I'll resk him, j'int in or out." "I want one of you to go straight down to Dudley Venner's with a message," the Doctor said. "I will have the young man's shoulder in quick enough."

If it keeps on this way long there'll be mischief." "Think there'll be danger to the mill?" Jerome asked, quickly. "No, I guess not, it's built strong; but I wouldn't resk the solid airth long under Niagry. Where you goin'?" "Down to Robinson's store. I want to get something."

I'm tired, fearin'. I was born for hangin', they say," with a laugh. "But I'll see my girl. I've waited hyur, runnin' the resk, not darin' to see her, on 'count o' yoh. I thort I was safe on Christmas-day, but what's Christmas to yoh or me?" Holmes's quiet motion drove him up the steps before him.

I see it warn't a bit of use to try to go ahead I'd got to throw up my hand. So I says to myself, here's another place where I got to resk the truth. I opened my mouth to begin; but she grabbed me and hustled me in behind the bed, and says: "Here he comes! Stick your head down lower there, that'll do; you can't be seen now. Don't you let on you're here. I'll play a joke on him.

They wuz very high headed and warlike, and though she put a stockin' over their heads, they would lift 'em right up, stockin' and all, and hiss, and act, and she said she picked 'em at what seemed to her to be at the resk of her life.

"Thank you, Abby; but I wouldn't das' t' resk changin' it; I'll set it right down where it's t' go." The brisk chatter and laughter, which by now had prevaded the big place, ceased as by a preconcerted signal, and a dozen women gathered about the table toward which Mrs. Solomon Black was moving like the central figure in some stately pageant. "Fer pity sake!" whispered Mrs.

"'Maybe you don't, Smiley says. 'Maybe you understand frogs and maybe you don't understand 'em; maybe you've had experience, and maybe you ain't only a amature, as it were. Anyways, I've got my opinion, and I'll resk forty dollars the he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.

She met the mother, a few days after, in the street; with an impulse to cross over to the other side she advanced straight upon her. "Mrs. Savor! What can I say to you?" "Oh, I don't presume but what you meant for the best, Miss Kilburn. But I guess I shall know what to do next time. I kind of felt the whole while that it was a resk. But it's all right now."

"I telled mother th'other day that I didn't cafe ef thee wa'n't 's strong as Mary Allen: thee was a good deal smarter, an' I'd be willin' tu resk but what I'd hev as little waitin' on ter dew fur thee 's fur her.

I made you a good bargain, an' when you come to think it over, I guess you'd rather it'd stan' so than run the resk of havin' folks make a handle of it. Good-by, 'Melia. You've been good to me, better 'n anybody ever was in the world." She heard his step, swift and steady, through the shed and out at the door. He was gone.