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Very interesting, also, was my experience about a week following this when, casually reciting this little girl's dream, its significance and her conduct, to an old lady whom I know very well, I found that she too was presenting all the signs of emotional upset, for, as I proceeded with my recital, tears gradually came to her eyes, her face assumed a suppressed crying expression, she tried to smile through her tears, and finally, unable to control her emotions, she broke out into a free and unrestrained weeping spell, following which I learned from her that the recital of this girl's condition, her dream and its meaning, recalled to her mind her darling daughter, a noble girl of sixteen years of age, who had died some fifteen years ago, after a long period of incapacitation and a miserable existence brought on by tonsillitis, chorea, rheumatism and, finally, heart disease, with all the extreme signs and symptoms of broken cardiac and renal compensation.

If we compare the accounts in the literature of the two conditions here in question, namely, nephritis and phthisis, we must be convinced, that aside from so-called autotoxic phenomena, renal disorder seems to be marked by a tendency to depressive emotions but that phthisis shows not only depressive emotion but also euphoric and hyperkinetic phenomena.

A still more doubtful claim may be made concerning the relation of euphoria to phthisis. The renal correlation is much more striking as well as statistically better based. A further communication will attack the problem from the side of the kidneys in a larger series of cases. Southard. On the Somatic Sources of Somatic Delusions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, December, 1912-January, 1913.

The primitive mouth is surrounded by a dark ring that bears very strong and long vibratory lashes, and effects the swimming movements. Pemmatodiscus and Kunstleria may be included in the family of the Gastremaria. The Dicyemida live parasitically in the body-cavity, especially the renal cavities, of the cuttle-fishes.

No trial was made in cases of angio paralytic hemicrania, since in this affection the drug would be physiologically contraindicated. Practically it was found to be of much value in attacks of dizziness and faintness occurring in anaemic individuals, as also in a fainting-fit from renal colic, and in several cases of collapse during anaesthesia by chloroform.

Chronic nephritis, as well as acute diabetes and Addison's disease are thought by Ziehen to produce certain chronic forms of mental defect which he terms autotoxic dementia, but he regards most of these cases as really cases of arteriosclerotic dementia. It does not appear that Wernicke has considered renal correlations systematically.

"Some physicians," says Matthiolus, "use the ashes of scorpions, burnt alive, for retention caused by either renal or vesical calculi. But I have myself thoroughly experienced the utility of an oil I make myself, whereof scorpions form a very large portion of the ingredients.

This does not prove that the operation is useless, as the temporary improvement of the circulation in the kidney may serve to tide the patient over a critical period of renal insufficiency. Stomach and Intestine. Provided the peritoneal surfaces are accurately apposed, wounds of the stomach and intestine heal with great rapidity.

In incompetent hands, it could turn into a nightmare. Dal took a deep breath and began running the anatomical atlas tapes through the reader, checking the critical points of Moruan anatomy. Oxygen-transfer system, circulatory system, renal filtration system at first glance, there was little resemblance to any of the "typical" oxygen-breathing mammals Dal had studied in medical school.

The literature is not without suggestions as to the possible correlation of renal and mental disorder. Ziehen, for example, remarks that nephritis brings about mental disease in two ways, through vascular changes which very frequently accompany chronic nephritis and other uremic changes in the blood.