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"Every tickler spool that goes to market is patterned like wallpaper with one of five designs of suitable subliminal supportive euphoric material. 'Ittier and ittier, 'viriler and viriler' you know. The buyer is robot-interviewed for an hour, his personalized daily routine laid out and thereafter templated on his weekly spool.

Both scenes, then and now, reminded him that instinctual cravings were such a compulsion in man and dog that for it, this frenzy, this euphoric escape, they would risk death.

An exercising body really does make antidepressant neurochemicals called endorphins, but only after about 45 minutes to an hour of aerobic workout. Endorphins are powerful, with painkilling and euphoric effects equal to or greater than heroin, but without any undesirable side effects.

The second lesson is the important role that central banks and other financial authorities play in the precipitation of financial crises or in their prolongation. Financial bubbles and asset price inflation are the result of euphoric and irrational exuberance said the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the legendary Mr. Greenspun and who can dispute this?

He looked up at her, reached to run his fingers softly along the side of her face. "Ka'ruhar," he said, almost whispering, "I will . . . I will be proud to share bodies with you this night." When Tarlac woke the next morning he felt good, almost euphoric, eased of a tension he'd lived with for so long he'd forgotten he had it.

Then despite his intention he vaguely recalled that ingenuous sense of a belief in euphoric, all-pervasive love emanating from the attraction of two beings, that feeling he could not entirely repudiate, a feeling he once had toward his brother.

"A bunch of bloody incompetents," he said, and laughed. "This is the one thing I would never have dreamed that a man could sleep, and wake up in a starship, and find the starship manned by blunderers." "Euphoric," said Paula, to the two men. "At that," said Webber sourly, "there may be something in what he says about us."

If we compare the accounts in the literature of the two conditions here in question, namely, nephritis and phthisis, we must be convinced, that aside from so-called autotoxic phenomena, renal disorder seems to be marked by a tendency to depressive emotions but that phthisis shows not only depressive emotion but also euphoric and hyperkinetic phenomena.

"After all, I'm living on velvet, I might as well see the whole show. I'm sure that Sako, wherever it is, will be just as full of human folly as Earth was." "He's euphoric," Paula said again, but her face was stricken. "Of all the people in that space-cemetery, we had to pick one who thinks like that," said Vaillant, with a sort of restrained fury.

"Warped, I said," Fay dogmatized, stamping around. "Gussy, having the instructions persuasive instead of neutral turned out to be only the opening wedge. The next step wasn't so obvious, but I saw it. Using subliminal verbal stimuli in his tickler, a man can be given constant supportive euphoric therapy 24 hours a day! And it makes use of all that empty wire.