Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 21, 2024

Newton found the distance through which she is actually drawn as a fraction of the earth's diameter. But when he first examined this matter he proceeded to use a wrong diameter for the earth, and he found a serious discrepancy. This, for a time, seemed to condemn his theory, and regretfully he laid that part of his work aside.

Tenderness was the weapon which had wounded her, and so she shrank from it; and if I had reproached and abused her she might, perhaps, have obeyed me by coming out, not to return. She was deaf. I kissed my hand to her regretfully; a condition of spirit gradually dissolved by the haunting phantom of her forehead and mouth crumpling up for fresh floods of tears.

Regretfully they turned into bunk, and sank into sleep too deep for dreaming. The next day Mac came across George at work on a break in a fence. "Good mornin', Mac, me boy. How's things? This 'ere slip do be a fair devil." "Oh, stock's all right. What d'you think of what's happening?" "Aw, yer mean this 'ere row in Yourope? It's a bit of a business, ain't it?"

'Can't you keep on belting 'em for a bit? asked the Platoon officer. 'Might make 'em ease up on us. The gunner shook his head regretfully. 'I'd ask nothing better, he said. 'I could just give those trenches beans. But our orders are strict, and we daren't waste a round on anything but an attack.

Well, and suppose I refuse to come in?" "Regretfully I shall have to employ another attorney." "Humph! Well?" "But you won't refuse." The blue eyes opposite were still twinkling. "In the first place, you're my good friend my best friend. You wouldn't be seen letting me start off on a wild-goose chase like this without your guiding hand at the helm to see that I didn't come a cropper."

And it is said that the heat of Peshawur is beyond the heat of any other city from the hills to Cape Comorin. Futteh Ali Shah, however, could not refuse. Regretfully he signalled to his own groom who stood apart in charge of a fine dark bay stallion from the Kirghiz Steppes. The two men walked out from the garden and down the road towards Peshawur city, with their horses following behind them.

Bagley slowly, and as if regretfully, made his exit. It was now December and the Senate had been in session for over a week. Jefferson had not forgotten his promise, and one day, about two weeks after Mr. Bagley's spectacular dismissal from the Ryder residence, he had brought Shirley the two letters. She did not ask him how he got them, if he forced the drawer or procured the key.

So he stepped in as he was bidden, and looked round the grand old hall, decorated with ancient armour, frayed banners and worn scutcheons, feeling regretfully that perhaps he was looking at it so for the last time. No one more than he had appreciated the simple dignity of its old-world style, or had more correctly estimated the priceless value of the antique oak panelling that covered its walls.

The strollers had now reached the impromptu camp and were smiling over the exchange of words on the part of Emma and Sara. "It was a delightful walk," declared Grace. "I'd like to spend two or three days in these woods." "Stay over another week and do it," tempted Elfreda. "I can't." Grace shook her head regretfully.

'There now, she said regretfully, 'now I shall have to wash my face. 'You'd have had to do that anyway, said Cyril with conviction. 'Now, my idea's this. You know missionaries? 'Yes, said Anthea, who did not know a single one. 'Well, they always take the savages beads and brandy, and stays, and hats, and braces, and really useful things things the savages haven't got, and never heard about.

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