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"Tight as a rat-trap," replied the old man and he turned his skeleton's head, and went up the road towards Thomas Putnam's. Joseph felt certain that this would take his brother to Ipswich. Both of them were greatly interested in a lawsuit with certain of the Ipswich people, regarding the northern boundary of the Putnam farms.

The squirrel's nose was thrust between the bars of the old wire rat-trap, and when this was not the case, the active little animal performed a kind of evolution suggestive of its trying to make the letters SS in its prison, as skaters contrive them upon the ice, till the wire door was open, and with one bound it was upon its owner's shoulder, then up in the rafters, along one beam and down another, till the first wild excitement of freedom was over, when it dropped upon the floor, and began to forage for food.

Jonathan sighed profoundly, knowing from past experience that Hepsey's word carried more weight than all the vestry. "I suppose I have, if you say so, Hepsey." "Yes sir, you've got to help me do it. No decent girl is goin' into that house as it is, with my consent. It's the worst old rat-trap I ever saw.

That shriek in the night might portend merely the delirium of some other occupant of the catacombs; but the shots... "It was SOAMES!" he whispered aloud; "I have risked too much; I am fast in the rat-trap!" He looked about him for a possible weapon. The time for inactivity was past.

I accordingly left the carcases exactly as they lay, and having a very powerful steel trap like an enormous rat-trap, and quite strong enough to hold a leopard if he should put his foot in it I placed this in the opening into the shed and secured it by a stout chain to a long stake driven into the ground outside.

Next you buckle your greaves on your legs, and your cuisses on your thighs; then come your backplate and your breastplate, and you begin to feel crowded; then you hitch onto the breastplate the half-petticoat of broad overlapping bands of steel which hangs down in front but is scolloped out behind so you can sit down, and isn't any real improvement on an inverted coal scuttle, either for looks or for wear, or to wipe your hands on; next you belt on your sword; then you put your stove-pipe joints onto your arms, your iron gauntlets onto your hands, your iron rat-trap onto your head, with a rag of steel web hitched onto it to hang over the back of your neck and there you are, snug as a candle in a candle-mould.

He will ruin any saddle-camel for fast work if allowed to ride one regularly, such animals not being raised in his country, but he breeds a small, hardy type of pony which he loves to gallop in wild dashes, with flapping legs and sawing hands, reining the poor little beast up short on a bit like a rat-trap to witch beholders with his horsemanship. As a combatant you never know how to take him.

At this sign of defeat many of the crows left him to join in the feast. By the time he was half way to the cover into which Maheegun had gone all but one had left him. That one may have been Kakakew himself. He had fastened himself like a rat-trap to Neewa's stubby tail, and there he hung on like grim death while Neewa ran. He kept his hold until his victim was well into the cover.

It looks like a monument in Greenwood, surmounted by a rat-trap, but no one is interred there, and vermin can hardly be troublesome at that altitude. How did this craze for decoration originate? The inhabitants of Florence and Athens did not consider it necessary.

"Don't know what to make on us, Mr Mark, sir," said Billy Widgeon, grinning. "See his old shovel nose?" "Yes," said Mark, "but I can't see his mouth. I thought they had great gaping mouths, full of sharp teeth." "He keeps his rat-trap down underneath him, sir, so as not to frighten the fishes." "Hand me that gun, Mark," said the mate.