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Magazines that will condone a thousand cruelties to women gladly publish series of articles on the girl who goes wrong; merchants who sweat and rack their women employees serve gallantly on these commissions. These men are not conscious hypocrites. Perhaps like the rest of us they are impelled by forces they are not eager to examine. I do not press the point. It belongs to the analyst of motive.

You see, I never made a port in France before." "You didn't?" There was a coast chart-book in the rack. Doc took it down and began to read it. He made regular trips down to see how his wounded patient was getting on, but always hurried back to his coast chart-book. Interesting things in chart-books he used to read them aboard the destroyer. That night the first mate came up on the bridge.

Some of these were put to the rack, to make them confess where they had hid the rest of the goods; but they could extort very little from them.

Brinon laughed at all these schemes, and after having had the cruelty of keeping me upon the rack for a long time, he at last extricated me. Parents are always stingy towards their poor children; my mother intended to have given me five hundred louis d'or, but she had kept back fifty, as well for some little repairs in the abbey, as to pay for praying for me.

Big drops of perspiration stood on his forehead when Courtenay came to him. "For God's sake, don't go," said he hoarsely. "Do you know you are placing me on the rack?" "Your sufferings are of your own contriving, then. Why, man, there is no reason for all this agony. I have written to Elsie, briefly explaining matters. Here is the letter. Give it to her, if I don't return.

"I'll go if you'll tell me where," he said, and he confided to me, "Never knows where her shawl is one-quarter of the time." "Well, I think I left it in the office somewhere. You might ask at the desk; or perhaps it's in the rack by the dining-room door or maybe up in our room."

Bill left his fishing, the direction of the farm had fallen entirely upon Betty's shoulders. Wilson, the overseer, was in the army, and Hosea had gradually risen to take his place. "We must keep things up," the girl had insisted, "don't let us go to rack and ruin papa would have hated it so," and, with the negro's aid, she had struggled to keep up the common tenor of the old country life.

For your majesty will grant me that there is no severer rack, no more frightful torture, than an unhappy marriage." "It seems as if with the torture you will also abolish marriage," said the queen, terrified. The king laughed.

The maiden answered: 'Hast thou built the magic vessel, using neither hand nor foot to touch it? 'I have built it, and brought it hither, answered Wainamoinen. 'It is finely made by magic, and will live in the worst of storms; nothing can ever sink it. But then the maiden said to him: 'I will not wed a husband born in the sea. Storms would bring us trouble, and the winds rack our hearts.

If the instinct of these scientific murderers is not, in both cases, an inborn predisposition, inseparable from the animal, but an acquired habit, then I rack my brain in vain to understand how that habit can have been acquired. Shroud these facts in theoretic mists as much as you will, you shall never succeed in veiling the glaring evidence which they afford of a pre-established order of things.