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They were leaning against the fence on the opposite side of the road, and I had the queerest sort of feeling about them. I felt that they were watching me. I remember turning my head to look back at them. They were still standing there. It was too dark to see what they looked like " "Wait a second," broke in Charlie. "Here's Bill Foss, the constable. Tell it to him, Court."

"That's the queerest case we ever had here at Walla Walla," Sprigley told his fellow guard, as they watched the man's pick swing in the air. "Sometimes I wonder whether he ought to be here or not. Look at that face he hasn't any more of a criminal face than I have." The other guard, Howard, scanned his companion's face with mock care. "That ain't sayin' so much for him," he observed.

But dead fifteen or twenty years that's the queerest part." She found the cable again. It was dated Rio Janeiro "Gods sake cable two hundred dollars wife children sick desperate next week too late." It was signed "Paul" and the point to which Mary's attention was constantly returning it wasn't fifteen or twenty years ago that this appeal had been received by her father.

Farmer Green had not seen Fatty, crouched as he was among the stones. And when Fatty reached out and grabbed the make-believe fly Farmer Green was even more surprised at what happened than Fatty himself. If the fish-hook hadn't worked loose from Fatty's mouth Farmer Green would have caught the queerest fish anybody ever caught, almost.

While we were at breakfast, Poll began to whistle and talk very vociferously, and in a tone and with expressions that surprised me, till I learned that the bird is usually kept in the kitchen and servants' hall, and is only brought into the dining-room at prayer-time and breakfast. Thus its mouth is full of kitchen talk, which flows out before the gentlefolks with the queerest effect.

There is some comfort in making him so happy; and so, upon the whole, dearest mother, let us be thankful that he is not to keep me the whole year round." When Jason, the son of the dethroned King of Iolchos, was a little boy, he was sent away from his parents, and placed under the queerest schoolmaster that ever you heard of.

"Why after they're married they're worse I mean the ideas. Every one knows that." "Well, they can make you like anything, the way they talk," Francie said. "And do they talk a great deal?" "Well, I should think so. They don't do much else, and all about the queerest things things I never heard of." "Ah THAT I'll bet my life on!" Mr. Flack returned with understanding.

Great is the Power of Chevalier and great is his power for taking you back to London with three opening bars. Malta was the queerest place I ever got into. It was like a city, country and island made of cheese, mouldy cheese, and fresh limburger cheese with holes in it.

Gabriel, I mean, and among the passengers was this man and his wife, and his little daughter, whose name was Virginie des Violets, and the ship was never heard from again. But he says that without a doubt I'm the little daughter and my name is Virginie, though I suppose every one'll call me Faith. Oh, and that isn't the queerest.

From force of habit Rose's near-sighted eyes peered critically at the hang of Floss's blue skirt and the angle of the pert new hat. She stood a moment, uncertainly, after they had left. On her face was the queerest look, as of one thinking, re-adjusting, struggling to arrive at a conclusion in the midst of sudden bewilderment. She turned mechanically and went into her mother's room.