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"It is a story, a wicked story," cried Rosa, thoroughly alarmed. "Me, a lover! He dances like an angel; I can't help that." "Are his visits at your house like angels' few and far between?" And the true lover's brow lowered black upon her for the first time. Rosa changed color, and her eyes fell a moment. "Ask papa," she said. "His father was an old friend of papa's." "Rosa, you are prevaricating.

So I felt obliged to tell her that, though Dicky was a lovely fellow and we were all very fond of him, anything of that kind was out of the question." "And what," I asked, "was her reply to that?" "She seemed to think I was prevaricating. She said she knew what a mother's hopes and fears were.

I just won't have this lying and prevaricating and goings-on. I'm just going to What's the matter, Seth? You're limping. Are your feet cold?"

To the menaces of those, who first roughly demanded from him an account of the means by which the paper had come into his hands, he refused to give any reply; but on being more mildly questioned, after some prevaricating, said, that he had got it, together with several other manuscripts, that had been in the possession of his father, by whom they were found in a large box, in an upper room, over the chapel, on the north side of Redcliffe church.

He was also a very bad hand at prevaricating; so with a stammer, he said "Yes!" "So do I!" said Miss Thornton. "Good Lord, my dear, how did you find it out?" "I recognised him the first instant I saw him, and was struck dumb. I was very discreet, and have never said a word even to you till now; and, lately, I have been thinking that you might know, and so I thought I would sound you."

They lived as much apart is if their cramped domicile had been a palace; and when Undine as she now frequently did joined the Shallums or Rollivers for a dinner at the Nouveau Luxe, or a party at a petit theatre, she was not put to the trouble of prevaricating. Her first impulse, after her scene with Raymond, had been to ring up Indiana Rolliver and invite herself to dine.

In such a caballing, prevaricating age, it is difficult to know which of all the plotters and counterplotters engaged in these intrigues could accomplish the greatest amount of what for the sake of diluting in nine syllables that which could be more forcibly expressed in one was then called diplomatic dissimulation.

And suddenly he felt a great aversion for the part he was playing. To get the baby; to make Gyp safe yes! But, somehow, not this pretence that he knew nothing about it. He turned on his heel and walked out. It imperilled everything; but he couldn't help it. He could not stay and go on prevaricating like this. Had that woman got clear? He went back into the drawing-room.

"Perhaps not, unless your reasons appealed to my judgment," Somerled admitted. "You're no prevaricator, anyhow." "I don't come of prevaricating stock." "You don't, if you're David MacDonald's son. He was a humble, God-respecting man. But you have no humble air. You hold your crest high." Somerled was minded to be impudent and say that in that case he must get his hair cut; but he refrained.

I have met nothing on the road but demonstrations of good will. The whole country is quiet, and Attahuallapa has been basely slandered. You, Francisco Pizarro, are his slanderer, and you are his murderer. "To prove that I have had no participation in the deed, I will make you accountable for his death. Craven and prevaricating villain as you are, you shall not escape this responsibility.