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Updated: August 2, 2024

For other people, they would urge the reasonable question, how else came Roger by the cash? and getting no answer, or worse than none a prevaricating, mystifying mere put-off they had hardly an alternative in common exercise of judgment: therefore, "Shame on her," said the neighbours, "and the bitterest shame on him:" and the gaffers and grand-dames shook their heads virtuously.

"That I know not," said the girl, though hesitating and colouring at the question in her own mind whether she were not prevaricating, for Andre's face and her own suspicions had really convinced her who was the nameless buyer. "Captain Andre assured me that the frame was fully worth five hundred pounds."

'That's prevaricating; it's mean not like you, Archie. 'Well, I never called her a beast. No-one can say I did. And besides, anybody would have called her a beast after how she went on. 'What are you angry with the child for? 'Oh, she bothers so. The moment I imitate the man with the German accent she begins to cry. She says she doesn't like me to do it. She says she can't bear me to.

If there is any prevaricating to be done, turn it over to me I have become an expert." "No doubt," her face brightening, "but I must attend to this case myself. Judge Moran will have to suppose you a Confederate spy. No, not a word of protest will I listen to. If you go along with me, it must be exactly as I say; there is no other way, for otherwise he would never receive you into the house."

For the Russians a special prevaricating sheet, called the Russki Visnik, is issued. All these newspapers pretend to print the official French, British, and Russian communiques. For a long time the effect on the British prisoners was bad, but little by little events revealed to them that the Continental Times, which makes a specialty of attacks on the English Press, was anti-British.

When equivocal words and prevaricating sentences fell from her lips, he remembered with a sigh thy candour that open sincerity which dwelt upon thy tongue, and seemed to vie with thy undisguised features, to charm the listener even beyond the spectator.

I know a man who might have been the poet, the essayist, perhaps the critic, of this country, who chose to become a country judge, to sit day after day upon a bench in an obscure corner of the world, listening to wrangling lawyers and prevaricating witnesses, preferring to judge his fellow-men rather than enlighten them.

The sole ray of light in the darkness was the knowledge that Martha Phipps did not know his real character. She considered him honest and truthful. In order that she might continue to think him so, he would go on prevaricating forever, if necessary. It preyed upon his conscience, nevertheless. The thought uppermost in his mind was expressed in a reply which he made to a question asked by Mr.

When we lay side by side on the grass, Cludde was for a long time silent; then he said abruptly, with a keen look at me: "Bold, do you remember I flung a crown piece at you when I passed you on the Worcester road years ago!" "I believe you did," said I, prevaricating. "Is that the coin?" "Why, Cludde," says I, "there are thousands of crown pieces in the world." "Is it?" he persisted.

There are many occasions on which the testimony of natives may be implicitly believed, and which are readily distinguishable by those who have had much intercourse with this people unaccustomed to the intricacies of untruth, they know not that they must be consistent to deceive, and it is therefore rarely difficult to tell when a native is prevaricating.

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