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Were she to show herself, all the idle shopkeepers would issue from their shops, to congratulate her on the postmaster's victory, to inquire where he was spending his holiday and why she hadn't gone for the holiday with him.

On newspaper postages, fifty per cent, on all sums, large or small. If a postmaster's commission exceeds $2,000 a year, besides the expenses of the office, the excess is paid to the general post office. Postmasters may also receive for pigeon-holes or boxes, not exceeding $2,000, the excess, if any, to be paid to the general post-office.

I am only the postmaster's daughter." "You are my wife, if you will but say the word," he answered, "and I as proud a husband as the land holds!" "You were always kind to me, Monsieur," she rejoined, her lips trembling; "won't you be so still?" "I am too old?" he asked. "Oh no, it is not that," she replied. "You have as good manners as my mother had.

The postmaster's wife was tellin' me about one of the women at the hotel the one that's writin' the book. Do you know her?" "I've probably seen her." "The postmaster's wife's bunion was a hurtin' her awful one day when this woman come in after stamps, and she told her to go and help herself and put the money in the drawer.

"What are you talking about? When I first described her, I said that her hair was luxuriant and one of her chief beauties." "That's a fact! So you did. What made her dye it?" "Dye it? What do you think she is a chorus girl?" "If I remember right she's a postmaster's daughter. But why is she wearin' brown hair, if it ain't neither false or dyed?

"The Flopper got the postmaster's letter, too." "How did it size up as a testimonial?" inquired Madison. Helena's dark eyes flashed with amusement. "Lovely!" "Too thick fishy?" asked Madison. "Oh, no," said Helena, "not if you have faith just strong.

The postmaster's eye singled out Seth Bowers, the guide. "Say, Seth," he inquired, "wa'n't your sports last summer named Whittaker and Jerrard the men ye had in on the Kennemagon waters?" "Yes." "Well, you boys listen to this," and the postmaster read the item with unction. "Looks 's if they were going ahead, and as if there wasn't so much wind to it, after all," observed one of the party.

So when Captain Shad declared the illness of the South Harniss postmaster confined to his bed with sciatica to be due to his having "stooped to pick up one of them eighty-two page Wild West letters of yours, Mary-'Gusta, and 'twas so heavy he sprained his back liftin' it," Mary only laughed and ventured the opinion that the postmaster's sprained back, if he had one, was more likely due to a twist received in trying to read both sides of a postcard at once.

Wyett a cottage, it learned that Mrs. Wyett had made payment by check on an excellent Boston bank. The poor but respectable female who washed the floors of the cottage informed the public that the whole first floor was to be carpeted with Brussels. The postmaster's clerk ascertained and stated that Mrs. Wyett received two religious papers per week, whereas no else in Bowerton took more than one.

"Mention my name?" "Yes. He mentioned yours and Shelby's and Dillon's and the postmaster's." "Say anything bad about us?" continued the overseer, after waiting in vain for the boy to go on and repeat the conversation he had held with Kelsey. "Not so very bad," answered Marcy, looking up and down the long fence to see how the work was progressing.