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Knox," she extended one white hand in the direction of Colonel Menendez, the fingers half closed, in a gesture which curiously reminded me of Sarah Bernhardt, "that man would notice if a parlourmaid came into the room with a shoe unbuttoned. Poof! if we love elegance it is because without it the men would never love us."

All the children were quite crushed by this terrible tale. They looked at the Psammead in horror. Suddenly the Lamb perceived that something brown and furry was near him. "Poof, poof, poofy," he said, and made a grab. "It's not a pussy," Anthea was beginning, when the Sand-fairy leaped back. "Oh, my left whisker!" it said; "don't let him touch me. He's wet."

"I should like to go to bed," said Fred. "There's an idle-back," said Harry; "I shouldn't I should like to take my clothes off, and lie down under a fountain, and let all the nice cool water trickle and splash all over me. Poof! ain't it hot?"

It is all right to IMAGINE them as existing in an equally imaginary epoch but now? poof!" At the next halt Hooja the Sly One managed to find enough slack chain to permit him to worm himself back quite close to Dian.

Then, as the girls imparted in haste, she turned to Ruth. "I am very thoughtless. You are not in the habit of discussing your love affairs quite so generously as I. Poof! They do not care, those girls. Love affairs mean nothing to my girls." "I have no love affair to discuss, Madame Obosky. You need not have sent them away. Good-bye..There is nothing more to be said " "Do not go away, please.

Poof, I say! And it doesn't shine properly; it catches you in the eyes. Well, well, you can spoil your sight as far as I'm concerned!" But for the others the lamp was a renewal of life. Master Andres sunned himself in its rays. He was like a sun-intoxicated bird; as he sat there, quite at peace, a wave of joy would suddenly come over him.

"Dick, that was one month when I really lived. Gee! if life could only be like that I'd ask nothing more of the powers that rule; I certainly wouldn't." "But life can't possibly be like that," he returned, gloomily. "Even that would pall on you in time. I am older than you, Marie, and I know what I am talking about. We can go just so far and no farther." "Poof! piffle!"

"Oh, most certainly, what I have not earned," he said at length, "but the kiss promised is surely mine by every right, as I was the first in." "'T was done by a most scurvy trick." "Poof! what of that? 'Tis the same whether the goal be won by wit and strategy, or mere fleetness of foot. Toinette will make no such fine distinction, I warrant you."

"Poof!" said the engine sweetly, and the kind word encouraged me immensely. Again I cranked. "Poof! Poof!" It seemed that I had somehow misunderstood the former communication, and it was therefore repeated with emphasis. Like a model father who walks the floor with the weeping child, tenderly seeking the offending pin, I looked over the engine.

I had noticed a look of disgust slowly creeping into the Citizen Quartermaster's eyes, and at this juncture he seized the Citizen Captain and thrust him into a chair. "Sacre vent!" he exclaimed, "it is the proclamation he recites the proclamation! I see he have participate in those handbill. Poof, the world is to conquer, let us not spik so much."