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For much of the period of our flight either Ghak or I had half supported him on the march. With such a handicap, less fleet pursuers than the Sagoths might easily overtake us before we could scale the rugged heights which confronted us. "You and Hooja go on ahead," I said. "Perry and I will make it if we are able.

Of the twelve prisoners who had been chained ahead of me each alternate one had been freed commencing with Dian. Hooja was gone. Ghak remained. What could it mean? How had it been accomplished? The commander of the guards was investigating. Soon he discovered that the rude locks which had held the neckbands in place had been deftly picked.

"Hooja the Sly One," murmured Ghak, who was now next to me in line. "He has taken the girl that you would not have," he continued, glancing at me. "That I would not have!" I cried. "What do you mean?" He looked at me closely for a moment.

"It was Hooja who tricked you and substituted a Mahar for Dian when you started upon your return journey to your own world. "It was Hooja who schemed and lied until he had turned the kingdoms one against another and destroyed the federation. "When we had him in our power we were foolish to let him live. Next time " Ghak did not need to finish his sentence.

Perry had perfected gunpowder and built cannon! It was marvelous! Dian and Juag, as much surprised as Hooja, turned wondering eyes toward me. Again the cannon spoke.

Far out behind us in a long line that curved upward in the distance, to be lost in the haze, strung Hooja's two hundred boats. But one would have been enough to have taken us could it have come alongside. We had drawn some fifty yards ahead of Hooja there had been times when we were scarce ten yards in advance-and were feeling considerably safer from capture.

At last my own foolish pride stepped in and prevented my making any further attempts, and thus a companionship that without my realizing it had come to mean a great deal to me was cut off. Thereafter I confined my conversation to Perry. Hooja did not renew his advances toward the girl, nor did he again venture near me.

He said that you had sent him ahead with it, asking him to deliver it and return to Sari where you would await him, bringing the girl with him." "Dian?" I gasped. "The Mahars have given over Dian into the keeping of Hooja." "Surely," he replied. "What of it? She is only a gilak," as you or I would say, "She is only a cow."

They wish to know if you have so soon forgotten the truth or if you are merely ignoring it." "I sent them no document," I cried. "Ask them what they mean." "They say," he went on after conversing with the Mahar for a moment, "that just before your return to Phutra, Hooja the Sly One came, bringing the great secret with him.

The forces of Hooja a great horde of savage Sagoths and primeval cave men were working their way up the steep cliff-face, their agility but slightly less than that of my captors who had clambered so nimbly aloft even he who was burdened by my weight.